Not sure what you’re referring to, but I’m guessing only because we don’t have those here. People either bring their own cart or use a basket
Queer tiefling fire witch
Not sure what you’re referring to, but I’m guessing only because we don’t have those here. People either bring their own cart or use a basket
One way to test it
The stuff at the top of the basket goes first so I can reach the stuff at the bottom?
The millennial midlife crisis happened at 25
Coin on the knuckles is tangential but not usually considered flowarts, which is usually more of a whole body activity. However it’s close enough that I wouldn’t be surprised if I saw someone showing off at a gathering. Similar to like hackeysack or balisong (butterfly knife).
Flow is also a gateway to fire performance, aerials, acrobatics, and other circus arts
Look into flow arts! There’s something for everyone, and it’s great exercise!
It also makes them seem weak if we can get intel about terrorist activity in Russia before they do
Holding conservatives’ wallets hostage, I like it
Do carbon credits even do anything? I tried to look up more details about them but it seems even Bloomberg is skeptical. The better solution would be to stop unnecessarily flying everywhere
It’s a very pretty game set in cyberpunk Paris. The story is a bit shaky but it’s overall fun. Most of it is a combat based platformer, but it also has puzzle scenes where you have to go into people’s memories and manipulate them to cause a butterfly effect
Taylor Swift about to become a Trumper
Remember Me
They send a personal transport vehicle to arrest and/or shoot you
Just tell them it means elegant, they’ll never know the truth
Exercise boosts endorphins.
Physical contact boosts oxytocin.
Sex does both.
My body does not do any of these
A certain fun guy is really nice for this, but start small
Roll Insight (DC 5)
I mix coke with espresso and milk for an approximation. The creaminess is what gives it the coke black flavor.
Some Most of those that work forces
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