His followers would think it is a compliment. Or just beat you for using “them fancee ass collijj werds”
His followers would think it is a compliment. Or just beat you for using “them fancee ass collijj werds”
Physically, at the physical / link layers, an Ethernet transceiver integrated circuit is used that knows how to take data provided by the cpu and communicate it by sending signals along the RJ45 Ethernet physical layer to communicate with the switch. By looking at the datasheet and IEEE 802 specs one could figure out more detail.
Perhaps, but they’ve been trained to interpret everything in a way that favors Trump. So it is unlikely to snap the majority of them out of their trance.
His base would eat literal shit if told to.
Continuing the Wikipedia quote for context
Pyle released a statement shortly afterwards which did not mention abortion, but said that he and his wife “have private beliefs as they pertain to our Christian faith. We believe separation of church and state is crucial to our nation flourishing.” He also stated they voted for the Democratic Party, and were “troubled by what the Republican Party has become and [did] not want to be associated with it.”[25][26][27]
Neanderthals (and humans for that matter) did indeed but they did it in groups, usually. Being alone really stacks the odds against you I think.
“Time Enough at Last”
The circuitry doesn’t determine which cable is the correct one. That is determined by a protocol that associates various IP networks with different network interfaces. So, for example, all data going to goes to interface eth0, and goes to eth1 and goes to eth2 and so on. Each interface is a separate RJ45 Ethernet port on your router, for example. It doesn’t have to be RJ45 it could be your router has a Thick Ethernet or Thin Ethernet connector. Or it could have wifi. Or something else.
Anyway, forwarding the packet to the correct interface / subnet can be done with a static route defined on the router. Another way is dynamic routing using BGP (border gateway protocol) which is an exterior gateway protocol that dynamically routes between your network and somewhere exterior to your network. Yet another protocol is OSPF (open shortest path first) which is used inside a corporate network for dynamic routing.
For any of these the router knows how to send the IP packet to the next hop, another router, which in turn knows how to send it to the next hop.
Where to send is based on the destination IP. The routers know which interfaces and which other routers are responsible for different subnetworks.
It is sort of like how once your mail makes it to a main hub in your state, it is then routed to the main hub for the destination state, and from there to the post office responsible for the destination zip code, and then to the mail route (and hence truck) responsible for the street and number.
So if your destination is maybe there is a router known to be responsible for and then it knows what router is responsible for and so on until we get to a router that has on one of its subnets then it sends directly to
Urine biology?? Or marine biology?
I guess if they won’t shout then we have to. Surely we know some older people who need to know this…
deleted by creator
3 month milestone: baby is so over it
As a parent with a kid who didn’t sleep well I knew what you meant lol
Getting military backing is necessary for a coup to succeed.
Not just this thread, sadly.
That first one is where I feel I’ve seen myself and others get downvoted more than anything else listed here. Maybe it is recency bias from that one thread the other day lol.
So, he’s desperate because the whole charade is starting to collapse. Interesting.
Kind of like those movie set facades.
Perhaps. But I think there’s no point in even trying to make sense of his bullshit like that, because it ignores the fact that he is bad faith.
No I didn’t mean to say he is operating in bad faith.
I mean everything he does, says, his whole persona, everything about him, near him… His entire existence. It’s all bad faith lol. He is the walking embodiment of bad faith.
He makes ever more outrageous claims and repeats it until people are talking about it. It shocks, it puts you on the defensive. It confuses and confounds. It dominates.
It’s not a denial or brilliant logic. It’s a power move of crude, clumsy, brute force. It’s breaking the whole game of statements and denials and counter claims and all that. It’s like playing chess and suddenly breaking your opponent’s arm and pissing on them.
Because he’s too pathetic and stupid to do anything calculating, deliberate, and complex. But the tactic is effective just like some brainless water buffalo stumbling around kicking the heads of predators purely on instinct is effective.
So the shit spewing from his head hole isn’t about whether it is true or to be made sense of any more than the mindless flailing of some dumb prey animal is to be analyzed for its Karate technique.
Sounds like a job for our counter intelligence services…right? Or do they just sit on their thumbs and do fuckall like they have since 2016 while this worthless gasbag mobster sells the country out from under us?