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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 10th, 2023


  • The equivalent would be to enslave white children to show them what slavery is.

    Seriously, why do you think it’s okay to discriminate against people as retaliation? How do you think that helps anyone? Do you really think, a misogynist will stand in front of this art gallery and reflect whether women might actually be real humans after all? What’s happening is, that a bunch of selfrighteous pseudo-intellectuals will jerk each other off on how progressive and artsy they are, and a bunch of actual misogynists have even more fuel for their crowd to stoke their hate. Wow. What a win for everyone involved. Alienation of former allies and even more hate. A true victory.

  • A good litmus test says you think sexism doesn’t exist and are, therefore, a dumbasshole.

    So, if I say that sexism is not good, even in art, then I say sexism doesn’t exist and am therefore an asshole? Well, in that case I propose that whatever group you feel attached to should be denied access to any healthcare, and if you think that’s any form of *ism than I say you’re stupid. That does look very weird, does it?

    You fundamentally don’t understand the issue here. You have your gut feeling of “sexism against women bad, art good”, which is not even wrong in principle, but you take that to the extreme by saying “every art roughly aiming in the general direction of sexism is good” - and that’s bad. Even worse is, that you accuse everyone who disagrees of being the most vile sexist ever.