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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 14th, 2023


  • I agree with you, but … I was on reddit since the Digg exodus. It always had it’s bad side (violentacrez, jailbait, etc), but it got so much worse after GamerGate/Ellen Pao - the misogyny became weaponized. And then the alt-right moved in, deliberately trying to radicalize people, and we worked so. fucking. hard to keep their voices out of our subreddits. And we kept reporting users and other subreddits that were breaking rules, promoting violence and hatred, and all fucking spez would do is shrug and say, “hey it’s a free speech issue”, which was somewhere between “hey, I agree with those guys” and “nah, I can’t be bothered”.

    So it’s not like this was something reddit wasn’t aware of (I’m not on Facebook or YouTube). They were warned, repeatedly, vehemently, starting all the way back in 2014, that something was going wrong with their platform and they need to do something. And they deliberately and repeatedly choose to ignore it, all the way up to the summer of 2021. Seven fucking years of warnings they ignored, from a massive range of users and moderators, including some of the top moderators on the site. And all reddit would do is shrug it’s shoulders and say, “hey, free speech!” like it was a magic wand, and very occasionally try to defend itself by quoting it’s ‘hate speech policy’, which they invoke with the same regular repetitiveness and ‘thoughts and prayers’ inaction as a school shooting brings. In fact, they did it in this very article:

    In a statement to CNN, Reddit said, “Hate and violence have no place on Reddit. Our sitewide policies explicitly prohibit content that promotes hate based on identity or vulnerability, as well as content that encourages, glorifies, incites, or calls for violence or physical harm against an individual or group of people. We are constantly evaluating ways to improve our detection and removal of this content, including through enhanced image-hashing systems, and we will continue to review the communities on our platform to ensure they are upholding our rules.”

    As someone who modded for a number of years, that’s just bullshit.

    Edit: fuck spez.

  • When covid came, the local 3D print clubs/maker communities got together and mass-printer a variety of ear savers for the full range of local healthcare workers and first responders, then expanded to essential workers like drug store and grocery workers, mail carriers and delivery persons. [It was a variety of styles for the ear savers, because different styles worked better for different people.] It was a great effort, and we remember and remain appreciative of the help and support our community gave us.

  • Some reich-winger’s tweet quoted in the article:

    There has been no claim that this individual fired on FBI agents, or even that he was armed at the time of the fatal altercation today. Apparently a giant squad of militarized personnel was incapable of apprehending a 75 year old man without gunning him down on his doorstep.

    In Buffalo, a 75 year old man who was trying to turn in lost property during a protest; the police shoved him to the ground so hard that he was bleeding from his head, but they just stepped over his body. Breonna Taylor was sleeping when cops raided the wrong apartment. Charles Kinsey was shot lying facedown in the street with his hands in the air while trying to protect his autistic patient.

    They’re fine with all the other “poor outcome” police shootings in this country, they only get upset and fearful when one of “their own” is shot.