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Joined 9 months ago
Cake day: December 20th, 2023


  • sigh

    This sort of communication is incredibly unlikable and causes the median viewer to deeply dislike you and your positions. Which is perfect if you’re trying to confirm to Americans that Democrats are elitists who don’t care about normal people. If, however, you’re trying to persuade people and win elections then you need an immediate attitude adjustment or you need to refrain from such discussions if you are unable to be likable

    wielding that much power is not supposed to happen is the point.

    Said a different way, drastically improving living standards for Americans is not supposed to happen, quickly or otherwise. Which is deeply unsatisfying and is a perfect argument for a 3rd party candidate

    Americans have a consumer mentality. They have no interest in longterm solutions. They want their, very significant, societal problems to be fixed correctly and immediately. If Democrats refuse to use the full power of the federal government to achieve that expeditiously then Americans will vote for someone who claims that they will.

    Being smug will not change any of that. We don’t live in the world you want to live in, we live in the real world. If you want to persuade literally anyone then maybe it is more effective for you to behave accordingly

  • Ofc you could argue that genocide could invalidate that contract, though much like the outright war crimes happening in Ukraine, you would have to prove that, to a governing body (and again, doesn’t Israel have a veto power there?)

    The United States is the global hegemon. We are not bound by any agreement. And, inevitably, our lawyers can find ways for us to act however we want in such a way that it does not technically violate any agreement we are a party to. No one can bind us against our will.

    And no, Israel does not have “veto power” before any international body. Certainly not at the UN or WTO

  • If we all (very justifiably) believe that Trump would truly become a dictator if he wins in November, then it is clear that the president has the ability to wield tremendous power to radically remake our system.

    Which means that Bidens failure to act on any given issue is a choice.

    If Trump’s administration would radically reshape the country through breaking norms, then Biden could do the same, but for beneficial purposes. We should ask ourselves why he is prioritizing procedural norms over real improvements to Americans standards of living. Why do we accept that The Rules are more important than our lives?

  • Biden’s handing of something that 100% should fall in the domain of Congress to solve. So may things that historically have been attributed to the President were ultimately created and decided on by Congress and the public attributes way more power to the President than they actually have because of it.

    But the public is right to do this, particularly regarding international wars like Ukraine and Gaza. The United States has not declared war via Congress since 1942. Yet clearly we have fought plenty of wars since then solely under the command and authorization of the presidency alone. Which means there is 80+ years of precedence of creating an imperial presidency that authorizes Biden to act against both Russia and Israel. He is choosing not to avail himself of the precedent. And genocide is the result.

    we’re legally obligated to supply arms to Israel,

    Israel is legally obligated not to engage in collective punishment, ethnic cleansing, and genocide. Yet, they are doing those acts anyway. The Constitution requires Congress to declare war. Yet Korea, Vietnam, the Gulf War, the War on Terror, Libya, Syria, and Ukraine/Gaza demonstrate that is apparently an illusory Constitutional requirement. Laws are meaningless if there is no enforcement mechanism.

    I’m fairly convinced that a good chunk of the rhetoric spouted to not vote for Biden likely originated from foreign sources to plant the Idea in people’s minds

    This is undoubtedly true. And it is a sad reflection of the weakness of our system, our historical actions, and the intellectual capabilities of our citizenry that it is as highly effective as it is. Trump will destroy The West if he is elected in November. And plenty of Americans don’t have a problem with that because they don’t understand what it means. Which is a consequence of neoliberal privatization and deregulation of all social programs, including public education.

    As Malcolm X said, this is Chickens Coming Home to Roost. And, unfortunately for us who live in the United States today, an innumerable number of Chickens are coming home to roost in our very near future. I wish I had been born in Denmark or Norway - at least their social democratic safety nets would allow my community to thrive as the world burns around us

  • No.

    Capitalism is when certain industries and certain corporations amass such a market share that they are able to bribe legislatures to prohibit any competitors to their product, under force of law.

    Similar to the exertion of influence by noble families under feudalism.

    If our democracy has already been captured by such corporate actors, then it is difficult to imagine how “remembering to vote” could meaningfully correct such deep systemic flaw. Emigrating to Norway seems to be one of a handful of plausible remaining options

  • Theyre using homophobia to mock a dictator. Which is still homophobia.

    Using racism to depict Xi as a stereotypical Chinaman would still be racism, even if he is a dictator. Using antisemitic caricatures to depict Netanyahu as inherently untrustworthy would be antisemitic even if he is running a genocide with US weapons.

    Stereotypes and slurs don’t become acceptable just because they’re used against our enemies. This image of Putin should be banned and any posts containing it should be removed under hate speech and anti-homophobia rules

  • He doesn’t care about the image, and it is incredibly delusional to pretend that such a depiction has any significance to anyone but terminally online and chronically underemployed white Americans under 40.

    Also, it is homophobic. If there is nothing wrong with being gay and crossdressing, then it is bigoted to portray our enemies as such as an insult.

    Being gay isn’t an insult. Crossdressing isn’t an insult. Being trans isn’t an insult. Depicting Putin as such isn’t an insult.

    All this does is further stigma against LGBT persons in the West. Is that your goal? Because that’s what is being done. And, ironically, it serves to further a goal that Putin supports - the increased stigmatization of LGBT life. You’re doing his work for him and are too narrow-minded to even realize it