It’s excellent, and I mainly play with randoms. The toxicity not so bad if you accept the BS that comes with random partners. Personally I have only dealt with some shithead teens and one guy who got mad I kept healing him. You get quitters quite a bit like in any PVP game, but it fills quickly. I have voice chat disabled 90% of the time, since pinging is in the game. The destruction is peak physics destruction in a multiplayer game, some of my favorite moments in any game have come from the pure chaos of things falling apart in the Finals. They also added a new 5v5 mode that feels way less frustrating and more casual (to me at least).
I imagine it’s even better if you’ve got a trio of well coordinated players, I’ve certainly played against some nasty trios in my 80 hours. Personally I think this is the most unique PVP shooter out right now, and it’s extremely polished for F2P.
Are you referring to the style of shooter this is trying to emulate, or just the general quality of the game itself? Cause there are tons of “boomer shooters” on Steam that are incredibly good despite the “dated” engines they often use. The game before this, Ion Fury is using the Build engine, and looks insanely good considering how much they’re pushing the engine. Not sure about this new one though.
IDK, I love my Red Dead Redemption 2 and Alan Wake 2 graphics, but gameplay comes first still for me, and “boomer shooters” are pure classic fun, especially if they have excellent level design. This looks to be in the same vein.
Edit: actually I remember the demo for this one being pretty heavily criticized for not being up to polish compared to Ion Fury and other recent “boomer shooters.” So you may be onto something. Release date might be too soon with this one. Ion was made by a different team, Phantom is made by Slipgate which has a pretty meh reputation amongst New Blood fans. Color me skeptical now as well. I thought this was being done by Voidpoint.