He’s also a broke ass loser!
He’s also a broke ass loser!
If you need jack smith to do that, you’ve never seen trump do or talk about anything.
Yes mein führer! heels click
I think they’re confusing bullets and bombs with aid.
Those issues sound like the carrier. I’m in a family of iPhones and our phones are bulletproof. I used an iPhone 6 until the 12 came out, and the 6 is still working fine, I use it for piloting my DJI drone. That’s a 10 year old phone. My father used an iPhone 4 until like a year ago. We have probably 14 recent gen iPhones in the family and have not experienced the issues you mentioned. Also iPads, Apple Watches, MacBooks, etc.
So a factory standard GOP member? I don’t understand the surprise.
I love how they act like it matters if they vote at all and like it’d matter if there were others running, and it’d matter if someone else did “win”. It doesn’t.
Child rapist Matt Gaetz?
Well yeah I totally agree there, I’m not a love it or leave it type. We should hold the people we support to the highest standard and be openly critical of issues, hypocrisy, and injustice. But it is mostly the other guys doing those three things be a pretty wide margin :P
Is trump trans!?
Yeah no shit, he also sucked his dick and probably rimmed his asshole.
Yeah but mostly.
Get rekt you no-chin having bald beta bitch
I mean, that’s what phone books were.
It’s a sad fucking Day when I agree with something god Damn mitt Romney has to say
This really sounds like a failure of the organizers more than anything- first off, lumping in non-binary is a catch all that anyone will take advantage of, and second and most importantly, everyone was complaining about long lines. Long lines means lots of people. Lots of people means the event over-sold their $600-$1000 tickets.
Sounds like the event organizers were more interested in making money than helping women in tech- women would have had the same problems had it been 100% women.
Edit: I’m not bashing non binary people, I’m just saying that people will take advantage of it, that’s all.
I don’t disagree, but people get confused by average lifespan because it includes babies that die. If you live to 60, in the USA you’re expected to live another 21.4 years (almost 82). https://www.census.gov/library/stories/2021/05/long-life-does-not-always-mean-a-healthy-life-in-old-age.html
And that number is still an average. But I get it, 50 still isn’t the middle.
Nobody Sucks French Wang
Nova Scotia Fart Water
North Scranton Fister Wrench