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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 13th, 2023


  • You’re just being obtuse now and straw manning even harder than before. I don’t actually believe you’re stupid enough to not understand that I’m not upset with the existence of a number instead of what the number represents in context. I don’t actually think you’re stupid enough to not understand that concentration of wealth is causing poverty. I don’t think you’re stupid enough to believe that government spending on an entire nation should be compared to a single person’s wealth (Although I agree that the military budget is far too high, it employs millions of people so your comparison is moronic). You’re a troll and a capitalist simp. Kindly go fuck yourself.

    If there are any actual humans reading this I’m sure they understand what I’m talking about since it was stated quite plainly.

    You’ve been blocked as you’re not worth conversing with. Cheers!

  • There’s nothing immoral about a number you dimwit. The immoral part is that one billion AMERICAN DOLLARS (capitalized so you understand that numbers tend have labels attached to them that make them mean something different depending on the label) represents an amount of resources that no person needs in even a hundred lifetimes.

    Humanity is generating enough resources for every person on the planet to be fed, housed, provided healthcare and have extra for non necessities. So why are children still starving to death? Why are people homeless and without healthcare? Why are people working for slave wages for 80 hours a week when all of these resources exist with plenty to go around? It’s because the richest people have concentrated this wealth for themselves even though they could never use it all.

    It doesn’t matter how many people like Taylor Swift’s music or how many one dollar things Jeff Bezos has used those making slave wages to create for five cents. That amount of money should not ever be in the hands of one individual. Or in this case the hundreds of billionaires who control the resources that were generated by the billions of people on this planet that actually create those resources. You’ve been brainwashed into thinking that it’s normal but it is a crime against humanity.

    Your final statement is the most ignorant of all. It doesn’t matter where billionaires live if they’re not able to exist. Force them to share the resources that they have extorted from the people who created that wealth or relieve them of their heads. They are criminals and should be treated as such.