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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 17th, 2023


  • You are understanding correctly. And the answer to your second question is, “maybe?” I didn’t look into it. But it was only car insurance, so it didn’t matter where something happened; I mean, it’s a car and is meant to be driven around. Now, if they found out that I had moved without telling them while investigating an accident, then maybe they could deny a claim. The difference was over $100 per month from one neighborhood to another in the same city. Over 8 years that added up to me saving $9600, so if something happened to the Scion tC I was driving during that time then I could have paid for it with those savings. Of course, if I badly injured someone by an accident that was my fault, then I could have been really screwed.

  • Cost of living is so much worse now than in 2010s. Housing and food prices have doubled, but salaries have not doubled in 10 years. I couldn’t come close to affording now the house I bought in 2012. Health care costs are actually rising lower than inflation, as is total healthcare spending. Christofascists and Nazis have been around forever, but in the early to mid 2010s we didn’t have one as President of the US who actively encouraged them to come of hiding and boldly advertise their hatred.

    Social Media and 24 hours news channels bring to light the issues facing us in the world today, but people wouldn’t feel so bad if they felt a comfortable future was at least attainable. “Yeah, the world might suck but at least I should be able to afford a moderately nice house and car once I’ve paid my dues at work in 10 years.” Versus, “shit, it sucks now and will probably suck even more in 10 years.”

  • they hate them because they are a bunch of thugs with badges who run around violently enforcing unpopular laws, many of which they create themselves.

    What do you think “they shoot white people too” means? What you wrote here is exactly that. It’s a bunch of thugs with badges who shoot (violently enforcing) conservatives because of laws conservatives wrote. 90% of them wouldn’t give a single shit if the ATF was only shooting black people over the laws they created specifically to oppress black people. They hate that they are being targeted by their laws when those laws were intended to target others.

  • While I’m very much in favor of a No Fly List in principle, the way it is implemented is just obviously unconstitutional.

    I get that if you make the list publicly available, or even only available if you ask if you are on it, that lets potential enemies know they’ve been identified and possibly infiltrated. There’s a reason why certain pieces of seemingly inconsequential information is classified, because if the enemy knows we know, then they know we’ve put a spy in their ranks. And depending on the information, it might be easy for them to identify WHO the spy is. But this has real-world impacts on real people, and if you have no idea why you are on there, that you are even on there, or how to get off of there, then that is horribly unconstitutional.

  • Yes, his contract was already terminated (he was a contractor, not an employee). However, this is saying that they can appeal the decision to allow Fani to stay even after he was removed from the team. The defense thinks BOTH should be removed and that the whole process should be restarted, since the person running the process had a financial incentive to prolong the trial (their rationale, not mine). This judge is allowing them to appeal the decision to allow one of them to continue. It isn’t a case of wrongful termination.

  • Not sure why you are being downvoted. Anyone who works in a big company knows there are strict rules about dating in the workplace. She is in charge of maybe the highest profile and most important criminal trial in US history. Even if what they did was totally ethical, it is incredibly obvious to anyone that you have to be careful about the appearance of impropriety when in charge of something so damn important. She’s a lawyer! She has to know that everything she does will be under a microscope. And dating the person you hired using money from the trial of a former president is CLEARLY going to be attacked.

    I’ll say it again: even if what they did was perfectly ethical, the appearance of impropriety is clear; and she should have been acutely aware of endangering this critically important case. I personally don’t think what they did was morally or ethically wrong, but it was not professional.

  • So a person earns money and spends it on something, and you think that is parasitic. A different person spends no money and uses something someone else paid for, and that isn’t parasitic?

    I agree that housing should be a basic human right. I agree that people owning many homes is problematic. But owning a second house that you use for vacations is not what is causing a housing shortage. Owning 5 homes and Airbnbing 4 of them IS part of the cause. Allowing corporations and foreign citizens to own homes is part of the cause. Me buying empty land and building a vacation house on land that has sat empty for millions of years isn’t causing a housing shortage.