• 5 Posts
Joined 6 months ago
Cake day: March 16th, 2024


  • except on Jews, remember man, according to the Fediverse, Islamic terrorism is heinous except against Jews, when Jews are their targets the world rallies for the Islamic terrorists in every major city in the world, marching in the tens of thousands for the destruction of the only Jewish homeland, and safety generations of Jews subject to worldwide massacre have ever known. remember man “nothing justifies this sort of shit” except if it’s against the Jews, because just like thousand of years of Pogroms, and Inquisition, and Holocaust, this time they really have it coming

  • on the day Russia vetoed a ceasefire between Hamas and Israel, because it wasn’t fair enough to the Islamic terrorists

    hoisted on their own petard. chef’s kiss enjoy, you cossack motherfuckers

    lol, cmon man, russia invaded crimea 10 years ago, they invaded ukraine 2+ years ago, some segments of the russian popluation (not the rich or well connected or even middle classes mind you) have seen their young, and old fed into the wood chipper that is the ukrainian warfront, and still, after navalny was imprisoned then murdered by the regime in broad daylight, the russian people can’t even find it within themselves to stage any real sort of protest against their despot that threatens the entire world

    russians are who we thought they were, they do not change, they feel no shared responsibility for the well being of humanity, only themselves


  • I won’t get my hopes up until after the seizure/liquidation order is executed, and he’s got to start selling shit, everything about and around Trump shows the rich in the United States live by different rules when it comes to the courts, and there’s always another delay or stay or appeal, that the normal citizen wouldn’t be granted or have access to, especially Trump since he and the Republican party control over half the sitting judges which decide these things

    It’s a little fun watching him squirm, but only so much, because then there’s the inevitable let down of the stay, or appeal, or case falling apart, or supreme court review, or prosecutor disqualification, or some other fucking infuriating bullshit

    Justice delayed is justice denied