Apparently my current shtick is that I talk about knives at great length. Also motorcycles.

  • 8 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 20th, 2023


  • In response to the DOJ’s assertion, Apple confirmed for the first time that it at one point considered Android support for the Apple Watch. After a three-year investigation, Apple says that it determined an Apple Watch with Android support wasn’t doable because of technical limitations. As such, it scrapped the idea.

    Yeah, bullshit.

    Somehow Garmin, Samsung, HTC, Huawei, Pebble (RIP), Fossil, Moto/Lenovo, etc. managed to do it just fine.

    Rather than technical reasons, rather I suspect the real reasons were financial and ideological, i.e. it would would conflict with Apple’s brand-wide pathos of vendor lock-in, and would mean the maximum amount of capital would not extracted from the rubes as a portion of it might – shock, horror – go to one of their competitors, Google or Samsung.

  • Provided you knew what you were doing, indefinitely. Or until you died of old age or managed to contract a deadly disease/cancer/manage to injure yourself in a life threatening way that you can’t treat yourself.

    You might not be happy about it. But growing basic crops, storing away dried grains for the winter, hunting and dressing animals, making a fire to cook them, etc. should be well within the reach of anyone capable of reading this. Neanderthals could do it, so can you.

    If you didn’t know what you were doing, well, until you ran out of easily scavengable canned goods and/or died of botulism from eating one of them that wasn’t as canned as you thought.

  • “In at least some instances, requiring the Government to disclose sensitive information regarding its grounds for placing or removing a person from the No-Fly List could undermine the Government’s significant interests in airline safety and the prevention of terrorist attack,” Alito wrote.

    Horseshit. I don’t know what part of “due process” people don’t understand. If the government is limiting your right to movement, they need to prove why when questioned. No exceptions. Especially so if the individual(s) in question have not been charged with any crime.