• 2 Posts
Joined 11 months ago
Cake day: October 23rd, 2023


  • This could possibly be everything. There are 101 things you can check additionally:

    • are you especially sensitive or insensitive to touch or pain?
    • do you hate certain frequencies of sound?
    • does bright light bother you?
    • do you have to look away when concentrating on something?
    • do you focus for long periods on things you enjoy?
    • does it bother you if someone distracts you from what you are doing? Especially when its something you enjoy.
    • do you have issues with certain textures of clothing?
    • were you especially clumsy as a kid/are you now?

    I could ask more stuff but you might guess that there are a lot of possible reasons for your situation. Maybe it would be a good idea to talk to a medical professional. I‘m not a doctor btw.

  • Its easier to hate someone than to show them compassion. Short sighted, lacking nuance and tact. Being able to think through cognitive dissonance and keep two opposing thoughts at once: there can be folks that have outlandish ideas about a topic. they still dont deserve your hate. there can be peeps that havent done anything wrong but are in bad situations, lack worthy role models or are just intellectually disadvantaged and easily exploited. Its definitely not a sign of great capacity to judge other people rash and harshly.

  • As another commenter already mentioned:

    There is a technique I call circles of influence.

    You have „close“ things you can directly influence like things in your home, „near“ things which you can indirectly influence like your friends, family and local politics. Then you have the weather which you cant influence in any significant way.

    The best approach I‘ve seen myself, friends and even clients do was prioritizing close over near and forgetting about the weather.

    In other words: go ahead rn and change something in a positive way which you can absolutely influence. You will feel less anxious and more in control. If you have done enough in your immediate vicinity, you will feel a lot better. Then start influencing friends and family to do the same. Dont let up. Just repeat yourself and dont bother about the weather.

    I‘m doing the exact same rn with you, stranger. Have a good one.

  • haui@lemmy.giftedmc.comtomemes@lemmy.worldShe Deserves Better
    6 months ago

    This sounds like a therapist could absolutely change your life.

    First, women being „out of your league“ is a pop culture idiocy. If she likes you, she does. Its not about looks or height or success, its about personality. To cultivate that you need to kearn to accept (not reject) yourself. I can totally see how a country with this strong a social divide would foster such beliefs in people.

    Also, its important to find out what you like. She doesnt have to be „traditionally pretty“ or „stunning“ or „beautiful“. Its important that she (or he, just to address that as well) lights a spark in you. You mifht find her attractive while most others dont and thats no problem. You might just be amazed by how smart and whitty she is, even if she cant hold a proper job (or vice versa).

    The biggest mistakes I made in life were pressuring myself to be someone and find someone particular in terms of status and looks. First I gave up the status idea, then I found out that „beautiful for me“ is something entirely different.

    This is obviously just my opinion and a friendly suggestion. Do what you want with it but please be nice to yourself. Have a great day.

  • haui@lemmy.giftedmc.comtomemes@lemmy.worldOh, bother
    6 months ago

    Wikipedia isnt perfect but it beats some rando stating their opinions as facts. One of the lemmy devs has recently built a federated wiki based on AP. Be the change you want to see and start populating it. :)

    Because using „secret knowledge“ by writing one article or in a chatroom isnt really helping if the source can just be shut down.

  • That sounds pretty bad. From what I read, they are few peeps that focus on phones which is not large field by people and incredibly vast by topics so I suppose they are probably perpetually burned out, leading to bad decisions, bad communication, bad press, less help, more burnout… vicious cycle par excellence.

  • haui@lemmy.giftedmc.comtoAsklemmy@lemmy.ml*Permanently Deleted*
    6 months ago

    Yes, you‘re too pessimistic imo but the core critique seems valid to me.

    We need everyone to bombard everyone they know with one message:

    „Billionaires (companies and individuals) need to be disowned and the money used to feed those who dont have food and shelter those who dont have shelter“.

    We will still have trillions to spare but this is the highest priority right fucking now and we have a lot more power than we think, especially if we shut the fuck up infighting and instead start to prioritize.

    Because rn, if you have shelter and food, you should be fighting to decapitate the 1% and shove that downward and let it trickle up.

    Edit: before the obvious „but companies will move away!!!“ yes, they might, but to where? There is no country where people dont think this and the few psychopaths who would take advantage of this cant do shit against the quiet majority. Also, i hope they move away because if Starbucks (i.e.) is gone in a country, guess what, somebody else will take over and make money instead.

  • We have linux „capable“ smartphones such as fairphone, pinephone and such but its really slow and expensive development from what I read. Wanted to try but the price is still quite high for something that works just meh if at all. I would probably need to get my hands on a well configured pinephone to lose my bias.