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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 4th, 2023


  • I have no interest in this game, so I wouldn’t know how it actually affects gameplay. But do you not agree that this is shitty business practice? You have a game. Sell the game. If you want microtransactions, then produce extra art or something and sell that. You can even make the case that separating out parts of the game into various DLCs on launch is acceptable. You’re at least charging for something of value that you created.

    Implementing anti-cheat costs resources and makes the end result strictly worse. Now you want people to pay you to undo that? That’s creating negative value. We want the economy to run on people creating positive value.

  • The way I see it, mandatory voting is to ensure that everyone is capable of voting. It prevents problems like employers not giving people appropriate time off for voting. The trade off is of course that you’ll have people voting more or less at random, or just going with whatever candidates their tribe is voting for without thinking. I suspect the latter averages out to a much smaller effect.

  • Plenty of arguments given here for why it’s unlikely to happen, but I’d like to provide a slightly different perspective of how I think UBI would ideally be implemented.

    I think UBI should come with abolishment of minimum wage and a uniform decrease in everyone’s income from work (e.g. if UBI is 1k per month, then reduce everyone’s income by approximately 1k/month), so there wouldn’t be an obvious overall increase in everyone’s income. Workers now have more leverage to negotiate wages because they don’t need to worry about dying if they lose their job, and that should push up their wages to wherever is appropriate for their line of work. So overall, it’ll probably lead to a bit of inflation, but through the the same mechanism that inflation has always occurred rather than telling your landlords that everyone has an extra 1k for you to take now.

    Does this make sense? Good or bad idea? Discuss.