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Joined 7 months ago
Cake day: February 13th, 2024


  • Let’s take this point to point yeah:

    1. “Loot boxes are considered part of the compulsion loop of game design to keep players invested in a game. Such compulsion loops are known to contribute towards video game addiction and are frequently compared to gambling addiction. This is in part due to the use of a “variable-rate reinforcement schedule” similar to how slot machines dole out prizes. While many players may never spend real-world money in a loot-box system, such addictive systems can bring large monetary expenditures from “whales”, players who are willing to spend large amounts of money on virtual items. Gambling concerns are heightened in games that offer loot boxes and are known to be played by children. Loot boxes also feed into the social anxiety around the “fear of missing out” (FOMO), as some random drops from loot boxes may be available for only a limited time, and players will be more inclined to spend money to obtain loot boxes so they do not miss out on these items. The use of pity-timers in loot box redemption also can feed into the gambler’s fallacy, appearing to give credence to the player that they will be assured of a high-rarity item if they open enough loot boxes.” https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Loot_box#Player_expenditures_and_gambling_concerns

    2. Simply allowing DRM in your proprietary platform, advertise product with these and locking your games in a library is more than just promoting DRM. Still i’ve only said they promote these.

    3. Name, address, credit card number, e-mail, age, IP address, device unique id, chat logs, forum posts, voice chat recordings, hardware enumeration, browser history. Go ahead and type all these information here for the public since it’s not big deal, if you are afraid keep in mind that i can just pay Valve a bunch of money to get these anyway

    4. What you are saying is that since everyone does it than it’s ok. Fine than what i’m going to do is pick the biggest company in the market that does that and call them out for being the scammers they are. I never said that kids shouldn’t be allowed to play videogames you made this up yourself. If anything shouldn’t be allowed it’s these greedy companies to trick kids. One thing is to market games to kids another to target them with shady and hostile business practices .

    5. There’s plenty of better companies and developers that make games that don’t exploit you. https://libregaming.org/play-libre-games/