Indigenous Canadian from northern Ontario. Believe in equality, Indigenous rights, minority rights, LGBTQ+, women’s rights and do not support war of any kind.

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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 13th, 2023


  • Think of the Earth’s orbit as a kind of freeway on which we are the only vehicle, but which is crossed regularly by pedestrians who don’t know enough to look before stepping off the curb. At least 90 percent of these pedestrians are quite unknown to us. We don’t know where they live, what sort of hours they keep, how often they come our way. All we know is that at some point, at uncertain intervals, they trundle across the road down which we are cruising at sixty-six thousand miles an hour.
    As Steven Ostro of the Jet Propulsion Laboratory has put it, “Suppose that there was a button you could push and you could light up all the Earth-crossing asteroids larger than about ten meters, there would be over 100 million of these objects in the sky.” In short, you would see not a couple of thousand distant twinkling stars, but millions upon millions upon millions of nearer, randomly moving objects—“all of which are capable of colliding with the Earth and all of which are moving on slightly different courses through the sky at different rates. It would be deeply unnerving.” Well, be unnerved because it is there. We just can’t see it

    • excerpt from ‘A Short History Of Nearly Everything’ by Bill Bryson

  • It was a combination of appearance and language … if I didn’t look the part and I didn’t speak the part, I was more than likely down upon, especially if I were alone. Speaking English didn’t seem to help because English is such a common language now that most immigrants everywhere tend to know a little or a lot of English because knowing this one universal language greatly increases your chances of getting anywhere. I met lots of legal and illegal African immigrants in the south of Spain over the years and the common thing with many of them was that they all knew a good level of English to get by.

    Just being brown in Europe automatically lumps you into being a foreign immigrant of some sort I find … to most people, if you are brown, and you are not obviously African, then you must either be Middle Eastern, Latino or Asian, all of which means you are probably a new, recent or first or second generation immigrant. And depending on which location you are in … the local people may or may not enjoy seeing foreign immigrants around.

    I found Italian cities especially difficult … partly because they have a big problem with legal and illegal immigration and partly because they are all sick and tired of being a tourist park for the world. Spain was the same way but not as bad.

    As far as nationality and saying I was Canadian … about half the people I told that to actually believed me. Most people laugh at the idea and others just dismiss it because there are not many brown skinned, long haired Indigenous people from Canada running around. Most people just assume I’m Latino, Filipino or some Asian who happens to come from Canada … maybe.

  • IninewCrow@lemmy.catomemes@lemmy.worldA thing I noticed with many ppl
    6 months ago

    lol … Karl May … a German writer who wrote a bunch of fanciful made up material in the late 1800s early 1900s about Indians in North America.

    I actually had one old Polish friend who grew up with these books … he died years ago but he was born in the 1920s in western Poland in a Germanic area … fascinating guy who lived, fought and survived the Second World War fighting with the resistance and for the allies … after the war he immigrated to Canada and lived his life here … but he also had run ins where at the start of the war, he actually fought for the German army because he was forced to … he had weird stories of being in the middle of everything, and his family could never really figure out if he was pro-fascist, anti-fascist, pro-communist, anti-communist … or just some kid who did his best to just survive the war (he was 13 when the fighting started and he spent his time as a teen fighting and surviving).

    He was fun because whenever we met he called me Winnetou (pronounced ‘Vee-Nah-Two’) … the main Indian character from Karl May’s books.

    Haven’t thought of my old friend for years … thanks for the reminder.

  • You can start comparing this to the Siege of Leningrad during the Second World War

    I remember reading about it and at one point they started measuring the famine in the city by the amount of calories they could provide with the available food.

    It started off at 2,000 calories per day and then over time dwindled down to 500 calories a day … instead of saying people were starving, they just said they weren’t getting enough calories to survive. (as a modern measure, it’s estimated that a good healthy amount of calories per day is 2,500)

    Another sign of the amount of desperation that occurred was the number of any animal life in the city … horses disappeared, as well as dogs, cats, mice and rats. The city became devoid of all life.

    You’d think humanity would have learned from that terrible lesson from the recent past … we’re recreating it again now and the world is allowing it all to happen. This isn’t an Israeli problem any more … it’s a global problem where we selectively ignore humanity to our fellow humans and create the conditions of indecency and a disregard for life whenever we feel like.

    We haven’t evolved … we just learned to create better window dressing to show how terrible we still are.