Perhaps, but it’s a low impact, high reward thing. The amount of CO2 it conserves per person affected by the change is low and the people who are affected can easily afford alternative transportation. People who drive gas vehicles often have no alternative transportation available because they can’t afford new cars, don’t have access to charging, and/or don’t have access to public transportation and so need that transportation in order to survive. People with private planes can fly on public planes, use slower transportation methods, or invest in lower emissions planes and not have any impact to their ability to survive.
I think they were fine before, because they were offering the best experience for the people who want someone else to configure things for them and make decisions on privacy, security, etc., for them. Problem now is that they no longer offer much in the way of brand new user experiences that no one else offers, and additionally they don’t prioritize the user’s privacy and convenience and prioritize how much money they can make with the centralized user information they control and don’t allow the user to make decisions on their own privacy and security.