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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 13th, 2023

  • What filament do you want to use? Well tuned PLA might be able to bridge that far, no chance with PETG. What is your maximum acceptable sag?

    It seems like the bridge lines do not attach to anything at the very end on the layer below. In Orca Slicer you need to enable “Ensure vertical thickness” to enforce that. I’d also rotate the bridge direction by 90°, this cuts down the length of the longest bridges by half. Bridge line spacing looks good to me. Make sure that the layer on top of the bridge is printed slowly and does not start in the middle, otherwise it will be pushed back and forth.

    If it is just a mock-up, consider partially filling the interior or enabling “make overhangs printable”. Both will alter geometry, but so will excessive sagging.

  • The idea that money is tied to the state is silly. Many things have been used as money, way before the concept of a “state” existed. Undeniably the money that lasted best across the passage of time is gold. Up until very recently it was the standard to settle cross country currency exchanges with. The value does not come from the state, but from people willing to exchange it for goods and services. Todays fiat money is created at will by a few select people that are not democratically elected. They get to decide how much they debase your savings for the “greater good”, while the ones that profit the most are those who control the source.

    Most people do not care about their open source, privacy and digital rights, so they only hear and care about crypto when the price jumps or when it is used for crime. Everything else is simply not newsworthy. So you end up with a bunch of “investors” looking to make a quick buck and people who believe to solve crime with more laws (requesting ransoms is already illegal, has existed before crypto and currently gift cards are scammers favorite form of payment).

    I never mentioned the price nor suggested investing, because quite frankly, I don’t care. What I do care about is giving the few big companies that control the internet as little data and influence as possible, and not processing payments through them is a really important step. So I keep about as much crypto as I keep cash in my wallet, and use it preferably when buying or selling.

  • I think it’s funny how most lemmy users are pro open source, pro privacy, pro digital rights; but once it comes to money all that is thrown out of the window and they happily get on their knees for paypal and the few other large players.

    Yes, the current state of crypto is a mess. People are attracted by the promise of the big payout, rather then seeking an alternative payment system, making them ripe for scammers that promise the world, but in the end only rug “investors”. Even “functional” cryptos are often highly centralized, making them as bad as banks in terms of reliability. Almost none implement any privacy features, and if they do, its typically a tacked on afterthought.

    But this does not make the original idea invalid. Will it ever live up to the promise of alternative money? Maybe. Maybe not. Only time will tell if the issues that exist right now will be fixed.