When your sneaky microtransactions completely tank your game sales and you don’t back down.
More like I hate reddit and will do my best to replace r/games and r/pcgaming
They did kill it but you can still play it, even on linux. Not that I expect anything new from them.
Tbh I think Arkane is done for, I don’t think it has that magic that made prey anymore. Hopefully his studio delivers where Arkane can’t.
steam user review score and youtuber reviewers seem like the best combo.
Because I try not to let my personal opinion dictate what I post here. Lots of people do care about this even if I don’t, but I couldn’t help commenting on it.
Sorry I just post everything at once when I filter through all the posts from various websites and communities.
Deus Ex please or system shock 2
Not even if they gave me $200
and sponsorblock and revanced
Cracktorio should also be sued, I’ve had entire days disappear.
I just want something like prey and dishonored is that too much to ask? Probably.
*fortnite store
There is a max amount of people and they have to be in the same country otherwise it doesn’t matter so far. But they are probably watching it for abuse.
Mobile gamers always choose excellence /s.
I would boycott AAA games but I don’t even play them.
Pretty brave releasing DLC for the game in it’s current state.
It could be complete garbage and then people file a class action over the ships not being in the game or something similar, lots of money has been invested in this game.
I have no issue with that, Dnd to me is played out I would like something new setting wise.