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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: November 27th, 2023


  • Just a reminder that the 1979 Iranian Revolution happened when 98% of voters approved of the shift to an Islamic Republic.

    The battlefield isn’t always two sides facing off and shooting each other determined by who has the larger caliber. Sometimes it’s in basements and churches, whispered to close friends and trusted compatriots.

    I tell people all the time (especially trans and BIPOC friends) as often as I can that now is the time to arm yourself. Get a couple firearms (a long one and a short one) and learn how to use them. Learn a bit of first aid (you just need to know how to stabilize someone), and start networking with like minded people around you. As you’ve pointed out the police and military will not protect us, they’ll happily shoot us in the face with rubber bullet and club senior citizens to the ground; just like they did during the BLM protests.

    There are idiots champing at the bit for a “civil war,” and while they may not win it, more than a few might be happy to take a couple “queer-o libtard commie groomers” or whatever with them in the process.