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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 30th, 2023


  • That’s the real reason he’s scared now, it’ll be known how little he actually has in equity once the AG has to start selling them off.

    I hope not, but I think there’s a strong possibility that Trump has a devil’s bargain available to get him the money but it’s almost worse than everyone knowing he’s pretty broke. Mean maybe not since that’s his whole charade, he pretty much kowtowed to Putin in front of cameras at Helsinki (think that’s the spot where he denied US intelligence agencie’s opinion) so here’s to hoping he’s actually going to have at least some comeuppance to his life of fraud.

  • It was also testified in a deposition (or similar that would be perjury for lying, maybe not by Trump I can’t recall) that he (or Trump org?) had 400million liquidity, so it shouldn’t be that big of an issue for him to come up with it. Even if he had to deal with the defamation bond. So he (or his lackey) told the courts that they could cover it, I mean a real estate billionaire down 100million should be able to come up with 150million (sorry if math is off, liquidity - defamation bond - tax-fraud bond difference) from non liquid assets without too much work right? I’m sure some bond company would cover it with proper collateral anyways. Hah. These are the chickens coming to roost you orange turd.

  • Her claim was that she couldn’t work or play with her kids for five years though. Tossing trees seems like a pretty excessive activity compared to some light playing with kids or light work.

    Part of me does agree since I had terrible fatigue for a few years, some days were better than others so I understand wanting to do more when you feel better but if you’re in the middle of a claim to pay out 650K then it may be better to know your limits. Especially for back and neck injuries. She could have played with her kids in that time instead which is what she was concerned about for the claim.