Admiral Patrick

I’m surprisingly level-headed for being a walking knot of anxiety.

Ask me anything.

I also develop Tesseract UI for Lemmy/Sublinks

  • 2 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 6th, 2023


  • In September 2019, I was notified that my landlord was selling the property I had been renting and I had to be out of that house by end of the year.

    It was out in the boonies, so rent was crazy cheap, and I’d been saving up to buy a house closer to where I work. My time frame was mid 2020 to start that process. Rather than put a bunch of money down and pay crazy rent (dipping deeply into my house fund), I took what I’d saved and was actually able to buy a house earlier than I had planned (not quite the one I was saving for but still nice).

    Here’s where the “right place, right time” comes in. A few months after that, bam, COVID hit.

    My original plans to start house shopping in April/May of 2020 would have been completely out the window. By the time that all settled down, interest rates and house prices were rising. Had I kept to my original timeframe, I’d probably still be saving up.

    I also got the opportunity to work remotely and jumped on it. At my old house, my internet wasn’t fast or reliable enough to support that (except in a pinch), but my new house has fiber. On top of that, I got really good interest rates on my mortgage and even re-financed the next year to lower those even more.

    So, had my landlord not decided to be shitty* and sell the house I was originally renting (forcing me to accelerate my plans to buy a house), I’d still be there and would not have been able to work remotely like I still do to this day. Have had lots of other opportunities open up since then which also would not have been possible if not for that “right place, right time” event happening to me.

    * Okay, maybe not shitty, lol. They only had to give me 30 days of notice and gave me 90.

    Edit: Removed a few Shatner commas.

  • I predict that to be a successful actor in 2030, all you’ll need is a small amount of money to utilize some powerful processors over the internet, enter in a few photos of your face, give it 10 different ideas for a movie, until it to make some 2 hour films where you are the star. Then you’ll take one of them that you kind of like, throw some prompts at it and end up with a nearly finished Hollywood quality film.

    Good god I hope not.

  • Dr Vivek Murthy, the US surgeon general, said allowing children to use social media was like giving them medicine that is not proven to be safe. He said the failure of governments to better regulate social media in recent years was “insane”.

    Everything’s unaffordable, the world is on fire and we’re doing somewhere between “too little, too late” and “nothing”, you can barely own anything anymore (only subscribe/rent), owning a house is a pipe dream for many, on top of all that, the Nazis are back, and more.

    But yeah, let’s blame social media for the kids being unhappy. If they don’t know about all this bad stuff, they won’t be unhappy about it. Genius!

    Have they finally moved on from blaming video games for everything?