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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: February 1st, 2024


  • Credit score is based on things which nominally correlate with financial trustworthiness (or something like that).

    This is a very big improvement over a system where loans are denied because a racist bank employee doesn’t like you. It is definitely not a perfect system, and we should definitely strive to make it better, but the concept isn’t (IMHO) a bad one.

    Also, as others pointed out, personal and national debt are…different.

  • Not sure if your list is ordered or not, but I would order it in a way where the top N can be implemented sensibly.

    For instance, banning tax preparation companies is a bad idea if you haven’t first made the IRS file your taxes for you, but your list had the former above the latter.

    Likewise, the voting stuff only makes sense if implemented backwards from how you have it:

    • national holiday first
    • mail in for all second
    • mandatory third (this is getting a bit…overreachy?)

  • I’m curious what this actually is. Yes, we can see under moonlight and also at noon in the tropics, but not at the same time. It’s somewhat akin to the dynamic range of a camera — an 8bit B&W camera has a gigantic dynamic range if you allow for shutter, aperture, and gain settings to be adjusted.

    In other words, while the dynamic range of my eye over the course of an hour is maybe 60dB*, there is no way I can use that dynamic range in a single scene/“image”.

    *Just a guess from sunlight at ~1kW/m^2 to moonlight at roughly one millionth of that (super hand wavy I know).

  • As others have pointed out, this is pretty disingenuous. Some (all?) of the others are quoting marginal tax rates — and the US stacks up nicely on this front, at least in progressive states: max federal marginal tax rate is 37%, with California having a 14.4% max marginal rate. So apples to apples, the US would be 51.4%.

    The problem, obviously, is that nowhere in the world do billionaires make their money through “normal” income.

  • Who was caught wiretapping.

    Between August and September 2007 Chinese hackers were suspected of using Trojan horse spyware on various government computers, including those of the Chancellory, the Ministry of Economics and Technology, and the Ministry of Education and Research.[180] Germans officials believe Trojan viruses were inserted in Microsoft Word and PowerPoint files, and approximately 160 gigabytes of data were siphoned to Canton, Lanzhou and Beijing via South Korea, on instructions from the People’s Liberation Army.[181]

    From https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chinese_intelligence_activity_abroad

    It is a very long Wikipedia article (as is anything involving CIA activities abroad, to be sure).

  • Learning for the sake of learning is nice, but sometimes it’s nice to learn for the sake of figuring something out.

    So, try asking yourself an easy-to-ask question to which you don’t know the answer. Sleep on it. Come up with your own explanation. After a while you may find yourself itching to find out a “proper” answer. The best part is, a lot of questions aren’t completely answered. But you’ll have to do some learning to see which ones.