In the darkest of nights, you won’t be scared, UNTIL the red pigeon arrives

  • 1 Post
Joined 9 months ago
Cake day: January 3rd, 2024


  • Ok. I thought I’ll clear things up. Yes I had received the relevant responses and I’m happy with the answers I got.

    But I’d like to bring attention to comments like yours or the one prior to it, because I see such comments throughout lemmy. It assumes the worst from someone’s post/comment and gives a negative spin for the discussion.

    My question was genuine and if you must know it arose from my curiosity that if there will be a language that I cannot be 100% fluent in even if I try. Thought I’d ask with others.

    But now I’m wondering if any of my comments were offensive and reading through them again I don’t think I was (hence this response). Again since I’m a non native English speaker, I apologise if it were.

    But the whole discussion has moved away from the original point. I had never heard of Eugenics, which from the little I read now, are deeply disturbing concepts. I’m sad that my question could be compared to it.

    The point is to ask stupid questions here. And mine was stupid enough. I got my responses from others. But please stop this trend of putting words into people’s mouths and negativistic spin on things. It doesn’t brew a healthy community. People will fear asking questions here (or anywhere in Lemmy).