Hello there!

I’m also @savvywolf@furry.engineer , and I have a website at https://www.savagewolf.org .


  • 1 Post
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 27th, 2023


  • I could go into academic research and stuff that shows that it is real, but honestly I wouldn’t find that convincing myself anyway. Research into mental health has historically been very slow and problematic.

    Instead, nowadays I like to look at this through the angle of consent and agency.

    If you look into trans communities like on Reddit and the fediverse, you find that a lot of them have positive personal experiences with going through surgeries. This is something as a community they talk about and recommend to each other as something that will help. I guess you might find people that don’t like it, or insist that there should be more nuance or whatever. I don’t know, I’m not trans and don’t want to speak for them. As outsiders, we have no right to say what they can and can’t do with their bodies if it doesn’t cause anyone else harm.

    Female hysteria, however, has always been a possessive thing. It’s always been my wife must have hysteria because she wants to vote. My wife must have something wrong with her because she refuses to do the dishes. The women themselves don’t really have a say, and if they do they only get listened to if they are good little wives.

    I’d be highly skeptical if doctors were able to manipulate trans people into having surgeries. For starters, in many nationstates trans awareness and support is non-existent at best and genocidal at worst. Doctors absolutely would not want to force an unnecessary treatment that is also frowned upon by the state. Trans people have to fight so hard to get all the diagnosis and paperwork that they need to feel happy, and they sure as hell wouldn’t do that if they didn’t know it was helpful.

    And, of course, with the rise of the internet and easy communication, if any medical practice is considered unethical or unhelpful, the community would turn on it super fast. Look at how badly conversion therapy for LGBT and autistic folks is seen nowadays.

  • So thanks everyone for posting here, I appreciate it.

    So the context is that I’m a very sedentary person. I basically get up, go to my computer and stay there all day. I don’t even stretch every hour or whatever. Over the last two (well, now three) days I’ve tried to go on short (like 10 minute) walks during lunch breaks and… Well, it’s kinda working, I think? Or it could be a coincidence or a natural “high” in the sine wave of depression.

    Interestingly, I’ve been told that I should feel better right after walking, but I don’t really. Like, I feel basically the same as I do when I start the walk. Perhaps even a little worse because it just gives me a chance to worry about the things I worry about. If it does help, it seems to be in the next few hours or days.

    Anyway, at the very least, exercise will stop me dying when I hit 40. :P Still, it is worrying the number of people that say that it eventually goes away when the “novelty wears off”, so to speak. That tends to happen to me a lot with a bunch of the stuff I try; I lose motivation, break the habit and go back to how I used to be… Blegh.

    Obviously I’ve seen all the articles saying it’s amazing, but I’ve also seen articles saying it’s overblown and a myth or that there’s no evidence. Standard article stuff, really. Figured it might be a good discussion topic to get some activity going on Lemmy and spark some interesting discussions.

  • SavvyWolf@pawb.socialtoAsk Lemmy@lemmy.worldWhat gets you downvoted?
    6 months ago

    I know this is probably bait, but I’d figured I’d try to explain the flaw in that logic.

    Ignoring the fact that gender dysphoria is a real thing whereas hysteria isn’t, there’s a more fundamental issue:

    • Surgery for trans people is championed and supported by the people undergoing their surgery. They explicitly consent and push for it.
    • Surgery for female hysteria was championed and supported by doctors who didn’t undergo the surgery. They ignored consent of women (or manipulated them into giving “consent”) and performed the operation anyway.

  • Subscribed only for me. I can’t imagine the amount of politics, drama, porn and other stuff that’s on the all feed which I don’t want to see.

    I’d like to thank all the “all browsers” that see something they don’t like on “all”, but ignore it and move on with their life.

    For whenever reason there’s people out there that browse by “all”, but downvote stuff they don’t like. And then make huge ranty posts about how Lemmy is full of toxicity, furry porn, politics, anime or whatever.

  • Donations; things like Patreon or whatever. If you enjoy someone’s content and are financially stable you have a bit of a moral obligation to give them a bit of money for it. Likewise, you should give your instance admins a few bucks to cover their hosting costs.

    Creators could use the Fediverse to show off their products in order to get people to support them on Patreon (or Subscribestar or Ko-Fi or your subscription platform of choice). Or maybe even get them to buy their products on Itch, Bandcamp, Etsy, Steam and so on. Twitter and Reddit never really were ways to make money, but instead a way of pulling people towards other revenue streams.

    The traditional model where people get paid by ads (such as Youtube or Twitch) is honestly dying with the rise of adblockers. Although I could imagine people on the Fediverse running a “premium subscription” plan and sharing their revenue with creators like Youtube Premium though.

    For a full fediverse alternative to Stripe/Patreon/Paypal that isn’t crypto based? Probably not going to happen. Besides the technical challenges, you need a good rapport with payment processors that you can only get if you are a big company and comply with their demands (which many fediverse instances would not be willing to sacrifice their morals to do).

  • SavvyWolf@pawb.socialtoAsk Lemmy@lemmy.worldWhat annoys you?
    6 months ago

    Megacorps, regular corporations and just people with influence unilaterally deciding what people do and do not want, and what they can and cannot do.

    For example:

    • The push for AI in everything, without the option to turn it off.
    • Also assuming that clearly I’m cool with contributing to the datasets used to train these AIs without compensation.
    • Constant changing and redesigns of UIs/UX to “modernise them”.
    • Not allowing people to customise or tweak things, or use custom clients.
    • Deciding that clearly I’m cool with them violating my privacy and tracking me.
    • Unilaterally changing contracts because you’ve decided you need more money (which sounds super illegal yet has happened twice over the last year).
    • Mastercard, Visa and AMEX’s anti-horny policies.
    • Likewise, governments banning or restricting porn to “protect people”.
    • Deciding that sharing photographs of IDs is at all am appropriate way to verify age.
    • Games requiring rootkit and Linux incompatible anticheat and that’s somehow preferred over server side anticheat.
    • Likewise, games that don’t let you set up custom servers.
    • People deciding that streaming music and tv for a monthly fee is somehow better than owning it.
    • Companies that guard their IP so tightly that they stifle creative expression.
    • Homophobia, transphobia and all the other discrimination stuff.
    • Furry hate (which is just homophobia btw).
    • People in many democracies not being willing to try things that aren’t first past the post.
    • That the only way to run an economy is to have people at the bottom live in poverty and suffer.
    • The fact that a conversian therapy is still used to “treat” autism in many places.
    • And the fact that people are trying to “cure” autism by genetic screening (eugenics).
    • And in general that people have the right to decide what a marginalised group wants or needs, even without being a member of that group.

    And a special fuck you to the people who hear these comments and respond with “well, they have the right to run business/raise their children how they want”. As if monopolies have no social responsibilities… Or to instantly disbelieve anything I say because they have an overly optimistic world view…

    … Sorry for the rant. Been having a bit of the ol’ depression over all this and saw an excuse to just get things off my chest.