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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 11th, 2023

  • I’m not the original commenter, but I have a similar experience.

    I come to places like Reddit/Lemmy/Mastodon/Twitter to see other views and ideas. Lemmy doesn’t have that - at least for Canadian politics, commenters tend to voice opinions compatible with the current government. Lemmy has an extremely narrow Overton window.

    A great example is discussion on Canadian party leaders - when links are posted about the leader of the opposition, commenters generally agree he’s a jerk, totally regressive, and doesn’t have much policy to offer. When links are posted about the prime minister, the consensus is that, as lousy as he is, the leader of the opposition is worse. I agree, but it’s basically the same conversation each time.

    The conversation goes roughly the same way when policy issues come up. Posts about the housing crisis inevitably have a comment saying we just need more density or better transit; that Conservative premiers are terrible; etc. These things are true (enough), but there’s not much more than that. Posts about election interference are filled with comments saying US companies are at least as bad as state actors, etc. It’s just a lot of the same.

    Generally speaking, I agree with a lot of the points. But I’m not here for that. I’m not interested in reading a comment I disagree with that forces me to think.

    tl;dr: the Canadian Lemmy consensus has a tinsy Overton window, and that’s boring.

  • I hadn’t given [the scammer] the last four digits of my card.

    Wait a sec.

    He hadn’t asked for the last four digits. He’d asked for the last seven digits. At the time, I’d found that very frustrating, but now – “The first nine digits are the same for every card you issue, right?” I asked the VP.

    I’d given him my entire card number.

    Huh. I hadn’t realized the institution prefix was so long.