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Joined 7 months ago
Cake day: February 14th, 2024


  • I mean, why wouldn’t they go back to their own IP they have 100% control over?

    A smart company would acknowledge that they needed the outside expertise to be so successful and not shoot themselves in the foot by assuming they wil get the same results in house. [Edit: I am saying WotC needs to acknowledge they need Larian’s expertise]

    I also like it when they let a game of this scooe with a lot of replayability stick around for years before cranking out the next one. That gives time for replays to experience the alternate choices and for modding to be added so the community can expand as well.

    Edit: apparently I read this backwards as WotC taking 100% of their DnD Ip back from Larian. Probably misread it so due to the context of WotC taking control over the desktop setting.

  • It depends on what you are faking and what the barriers are.

    I gave a long example post, but wouldn’t assume that the same thing would work for everyone. Some people have anxiety and no amount of faking it will overcome that level of anxiety for some things.

    There are also things that people have other barriers to succes. I don’t believe I will ever learn to be fashionable because it changes constantly and never makes sense to me, and faking it was a spectacular failure. Taking basic fashion here, like I even fail at things like brown belt with brown shoes because they are the wrong browns or materials or something.

    So there won’t always be success and it will vary widely based on the person. I know of people who figured out riding a bike on the first try, some in a week, some took a year, and a few that never succeeded despite their best efforts over several years.

  • My confidence in speaking publicly was entirely the result of fake it till you make it.

    As a kid I was reserved and not outgoing. In 4H, one of the things the local group promoted was being able to give presentations about topics, and they gave a lot of help in how to do it and the one thing they always drove home was that while some people are naturally comfortable speaking in front of groups, most people are not and they gave some famous examples that I have since forgotten.

    So we had to give presentations with posters to judges who then asked follow up questions, and the entire time we were reminded that acting confident is basically the same thing as being confident to those that are watching and eventually it will suddenly stick kind of like how riding a bike works. After a few years, I went from freezing up to being comfortable in a small group, and after keeping up with it through high school my actual confidence was there by the time adulthood kicked in. In my current job I am regularly volunteered to present because they all see me as good at it, which is true because I faked it until I made it.

    Do note that this worked for me because the learning setting I was in was supportive and reinforced the need to just keep trying.

    Relationships, sports, and a lot of other non-dangerous settings are also ripe for the idea that just pretending to be confident and comfortable to eventually become comfortable with the settings. It is important to keep in mind that constant learning while faking it is important to actually succeed. Even after a lot of success I am still not comfortable hosting complex social settings or figuring out what the hell is fashionable, so sometimes faking it has not resulted in making it. But at least an attempt was tried.

    Things that are not good for fake it till you make it are working with heavy machinery, dangerous chemicals, or anything that has a significant risk of death.

  • There are a ton of people that don’t understand the basics of taxes because they equate the tax withholding by paycheck with overall taxes collected throughout the year.

    In lower paying jobs, one high paycheck will skyrocket your withholding because it estimates based on an assumption that you will continue to have that increase. For example, a yearly bonus can result in that particular paycheck not being any higher than your normal paycheck, and people equate that to the whole amount being taxed even though at the end of the year only a small increase to taxes due is the end result.

    I remember when making slightly over minimum wage having a bonus not increase that paycheck because the withholding kept it from going to me right away. The bonus was instead paid back to be as part of my tax refund, since that looks at the whole year.

    A lot of people can’t do finances past the current month when they live paycheck to paycheck, and keep that mentality even after they make more money. I have had people at my decently paid job think that an increase in pay will cost them in taxes within the last three years, and one of those people used to work on the state tax department website.

  • snooggums@midwest.socialtoScience Memes@mander.xyzMmm yesss
    6 months ago

    Looks like it was a follow up to someone asking an entertaining question during a lecture, which is the best reason to do some science!

    According to Victor Benno Meyer-Rochow of the Research Institute of Luminous Organisms in Japan, a co-author of the original 2003 paper, these fecal findings all started with an expedition he led to Antarctica. Although he was collecting samples of local marine worms and tiny terrestrial insects called springworms for further study, he also took copious photographs of the many penguins in the region, which he used in his lectures. During a seminar at Kitasato University in Japan, a young woman asked about a slide showing a penguin brooding on its nest, wondering about the white and pink lines radiating outward. She interpreted them as “decoration” and asked how the penguins made them.

    “I explained that a penguin stands up, moves to the edge of its nest, turns around, lifts its tail, and then shoots from its rear, which leaves a 30-40 cm long streak of semi-liquid whitish stuff behind,” Meyer-Rochow wrote in a 2019 blog post. “Everybody laughed—with the exception of the questioner. She got red in her face and quietly sat down.” (The color of the feces depends on the penguin’s diet: if primarily fish, the poop is white. If the penguin has been feasting on krill, the poop takes on a pinkish hue.)