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Cake day: June 19th, 2023


  • Eh, that’s got flaws too.

    It isn’t like you don’t end up with some degree of centralized organization, or at least with a central core of contributors. That in itself isn’t a nice I obstacle, but if that core group ends up being core because they’re willing, rather than capable and good at the job, that becomes a giant problem.

    At least the OED can be said to be handled by people that know language, and English in specific.

    Besides, as soon as any dictionary becomes used by enough people, it becomes an authority. That’s unavoidable. Open sourcing doesn’t prevent that, and then you’ll still have people treating it like the dictionary is the authority rather than being a repository of language as it exists and changes.

    English doesn’t have regulatory body proscribing what is and isn’t allowed. Every major document dictionary, including the ones mentioned here, follow the changes, they don’t force them. The reason they’re authorities is the long time they’ve followed language successfully and in timely fashion.

    The real importance of a dictionary isn’t private vs open, it’s the skill involved in writing the definitions. That takes a good bit of work to develop.

  • southsamurai@sh.itjust.workstoScience Memes@mander.xyzdegree in bamf
    6 months ago

    It would surprise me, but it would still be fine.

    How many black trans women are in positions of authority? To not remark on that would be unusual. Mind you, the chances of a black trans woman making it to that kind of position and holding on to the kind of stupidity in the original post is pretty damn slim, hence the surprise.

  • southsamurai@sh.itjust.workstoScience Memes@mander.xyzdegree in bamf
    6 months ago

    I’m a white man. I can absolutely generalize about a well known aspect of reality. It isn’t in question that white men are currently in a position of overall privilege, and that as a group that position of privilege has the effect stated.

    I pretty much also said that this is true in the western world where white men are the supposed majority. I said that the same would be the case with any dominant group because humans are just like that.

    A generalization can not only be true in general, but it doesn’t inherently mean that the entire group is at fault (beyond any unintentional benefits from the situation, which is what’s called privilege in current discourse on matters of gender and race in specific, but applies to more than those alone).

    Here’s the thing. Until and unless we, not just as white men (speaking of the group I’m in) work on calling out and correcting bad behaviors as a group, to the point that it ceases to be a problem for others, we are part of the problem, no matter how little any individual likes that.

    Divisions currently exist. They will always exist because any time there is a place of authority/power, there will be those that seek it and use it. Over time, you might see a given demographic shift in and out of that place of power, but it won’t change humans being humans; there will be abuse of power.

    That’s the real key. The fact that white men have held dominance over most of the world for centuries (for a given value of most, and a given value of white) is simply fact. One could argue that the position of dominance really covers all the world since anyone wanting to disrupt that has to contend against that hierarchy. There are definitely places where, within a region* white men aren’t the dominant group, kinda impossible to be otherwise. But trying to pretend that the world isn’t the way it is is just silly.

  • southsamurai@sh.itjust.workstoScience Memes@mander.xyzdegree in bamf
    6 months ago

    When a given demographic is a dominant presence in a given area (not necessarily work, it can be anything), there is a tendency for they demographic to start making assumptions about other demographics.

    In most places, men are the dominant presence, and in most of the “western” world, they will also be white.

    In this case, the individual who a white male was doing what’s called colloquially, “mansplaining”. He was correcting a woman when not only was the woman right, but was the very source he was using to correct her.

    This is a consistent and very unpleasant fact of the world that white men will treat anyone of any other demographic as less than equals.

    In this specific case, I suspect that the person making that post was pointing to the prejudice and stupidity of the person indirectly insulting her being a systemic issue arising from both gender and sexual entrenchment along with the privilege that allows the dominance of the white male demographic despite their being no quantifiable factor for that group to be dominant other than that privilege.

    She, in other words, was pointing out a systemic issue by using an anecdote. Which can be a bit difficult to accept as evidence. Or would be if there wasn’t a good century or so of giant piles of anecdotes from real people pointing to that systemic issue not only existing, but being something that holds everyone back.

    Truth? Yes, women and people of color are going to assume they’re right and whoever they’re talking to is wrong just like any humans will. But white dudes have been pulling that crap for multiple generations, and anyone that isn’t both white and male get sick of the bad behavior.

  • Believe it or not, they aren’t always available. Seriously. Well, not available and in good state.

    If you go to some places, usually “bad” areas in cities and very rural small towns (or just rural without any town at all), you end up tempting relying on single source for food. It might be something as relatively useful as a proper bodega, but it can be a gas station instead. Even if the place does stock those staples, they will sit there until they get sold, or get so far past the “sell by” or “best by” date that the owner finally throws them away. So you can go in looking for that stuff, and then it’s so damn old that it doesn’t cook right.

    Even out here in the mountains, where you can usually have a small garden, you run into serious issues obtaining other staples to make a complete food source, much less make food be more than just fuel, which can be soul crushing and lead to disordered eating on its own when people do run into a chance to splurge.

    Food deserts are a thing, and they drive malnutrition as well as obesity.

    That level of scarcity is way more common than people think for those living under the poverty line. And even that assumes that the individuals can cook. You’ve got the disabled that may not be able to, you’ve got people that don’t how how. Even when that isn’t in play, you can run into shitty apartments/rentals that make it difficult to cook no matter what. Places where a stove can be out of order for months without being fixed or replaced, and likely replaced with something that doesn’t work right.

    Beyond that, why the fuck is the assumption that the people have been given any kind of nutrition education to know what they can buy that’s healthy? Why is it assumed that living on beans and rice is a good state of being?

    It’s real easy for those of us that have had the privilege of good nutritional education to assume all kinds of things, but that doesn’t make the assumptions correct

    Btw, that got ranty at the end, it wasn’t directed at you, it’s the situation that’s the infuriating thing.

  • However the writer/director/producer/editor/whoever-is-in-charge wants. It really is that simple.

    Here in the real world, the only “real” zombie is a human that’s been dosed with a mix of drugs and brainwashed (just to keep it simple), and it’s largely a thing of rumor rather than something you can just go around and find.

    So, you are left with extant fictional examples, any new examples that come along, and then the zombie *meta" which attempts to classify and describe all of those so that they can be compared. Thing is, in order to do that, you have to accept that each type is as valid as any other within the world it is from, and not waste your time trying to adjudicate which worlds are “realistic” in the first place.

    An example: the walking dead comics and shows. Both media formats show zombies in states of advanced decomposition. They are missing muscles, visibly. Muscles like the pectorals, but the zombies are making movements that require those muscles. So, in that regard, Walking Dead zombies are entirely impossible unless you say that magic or some other force is in play, despite that not ever being part of the series in either medium.

    But you also can’t ignore that world if you really want to address zombies as a trope.

    So, that’s what it comes down to. Zombies behave how their controlling human in the real world wants them to.

  • Man, I’ve tried to get decent at Spanish, and utterly fail, even with friends that speak it as a first language helping me.

    There’s no way in hell I can think of anyone using English poorly as a second language as anything other than a peer. And they’ll likely get better at English while I still suck with Spanish.

    Besides, I know too damn many people with English as a first language that are horrible with it.

    Anyone even trying to use another language is a great thing to me. Our ability as humans to bridge the gap between selves with language is a powerful and beautiful thing, so someone attempting to bridge that gap further is just as beautiful, no matter how well they do it. It makes me happy when I run into someone making that kind of effort, and I can take the time to help them do what they want, or joust have a human interaction.

    Plus, I’ve never, ever run into a situation where just trying to help someone navigate an English speaking majority didn’t end up with both of us smiling and at least a little better off than we were before. I wish I had the ability to learn new languages quickly and fluently. I just keep failing at it lol.

    When I was younger, I genuinely wanted to study linguistics for a while. It was running into the difficulty with gaining fluency in Spanish that made me rethink that.

    So, fuck hating on someone that’s putting in the effort. I have mad respect for that.

  • Fucking herbalife. Not necessarily because I thought it was worth a damn, but to help a friend that thought it was worth a damn. I didn’t commit because I had this niggling doubt that it would be helping them to essentially waste good money to give them a “start” in something they were determined to try and make work.

    Told them to let me think on it, and reckoned that backing a scam “business” in any way wouldn’t benefit them at all. Told them a polite version of that, and the number of people I already knew that had tried it and done nothing but get deeper in debt and more broke. Actually convinced them to cut their losses and move on, which was a surprise.

    I’ve been fairly lucky about only running into scams either after I’d already heard about them, or when I wasn’t desperate enough to go for it despite the risks of how it was presented. The whole Nigerian Prince thing, as an example. The first time I ran across it, it seemed like a really bad idea, if it was legitimate at all, and I wasn’t desperate enough to risk anything for hope. It wasn’t long before it became known as a scam for sure, so the next time I got one of those emails, not only was I aware, but the second email would have shown or to be a scam what with being from an entirely different email address and not saying anything about following up.