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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 11th, 2023


  • Yeah, I’ll get it if reviews look good, but I’m not bullish on that.

    I had to force myself to finish GTA V because I kept coming back hoping there was more to it since everyone kept saying how good it was. Once I finished it, I felt relieved because I’d no longer have that nagging FOMO and finally uninstalled it. I haven’t had the desire to play since, and it’s my least favorite GTA. I actually played GTA IV after GTA V as a palette freshener, and GTA SA is still my favorite.

    So if they’re making something more like V than IV and SA, I’m probably not going to bother. I hope it’s unlike any of them and goes in an interesting new direction, but I’m not holding out hope.

  • Same. It looks super interesting, but I haven’t finished anything similar in the past, so I don’t think I’d finish BG3. Some games still waiting for me:

    • RDR2 - loved RDR, but RDR2 is just way too long
    • The Witcher 3 - haven’t even started; I tried the prior games, which are shorter, but still haven’t finished any of them (loved the short stories though)
    • The Elder Scrolls - never finished Morrowind or Skyrim, despite having lots of hours in each

    So yeah, I just don’t finish long RPGs. I like shorter ones, but I just lose interest around 30-40 hours in.

  • That really depends on what you’re looking for. In general, I find shorter games to respect my time more. So here’s my process:

    1. collect some recommendations (here, reddit, game reviewers, etc)
    2. look up time to beat on How Long to Beat, and add to wishlist if it seems reasonable (e.g. <10 hours for a puzzle game or platformer, 10-20 for an action/story game, etc)
    3. buy games when I run out based on reviews on the games in my wishlist

    Some examples:

    • Little Nightmares, INSIDE, Darq, and A Juggler’s Tale - 2D puzzle-platformers at <5 hours each
    • Ori and the Blind Forest, Blue Fire, and Headlander - metroidvanias at 5-10 hours
    • Manifold Garden, Return of the Obra Dinn, Portal/Portal 2 - puzzle games a- 5-10 hours

    Some longer games are also great, and I mostly look for lack of grinding, ability to save whenever, and praise for the story, such as:

    • Yakuza series - can play in 5-10 min increments, but reserve an hour for boss fights (super long and high quality cutscenes)
    • Ys series - older games are short (1&2), later games are longer, and saves aren’t super frequent (about 15-20 min between save points), but I think the gameplay and story are worthwhile; favorites are Ys 1 (really old), Ys Origin (11-ish hours per play-through, 3 play throughs needed, but each is satisfying); grinding is quite rare for a JRPG

    I find that the more I avoid the super popular AAA games, the happier I am with my limited playtime.

  • Yup, hopefully this makes that smoother.

    We have three accounts linked: mine, SO, kids (they share one). I occasionally gift games to my SO and kids accounts, and each time I need to login to their accounts to accept/add the gift key or whatever. I go through this nonsense so my kids, SO, and I can play different games at the same time, but the kids can still only play one at a time (hasn’t been a problem so far).

    I have three kids and haven’t made individual accounts because it’s annoying enough as it is to manage three, but if this makes it easier, I’ll probably get them their own accounts.