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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 26th, 2023


  • It sounds too extreme to be real.

    That said, my mother lost her mother when she was 4 years old. Her mom took her own life, my mom witnessed the aftermath and was already traumatized as hell.

    My grandfather remarried and that woman did everything she could to get rid of my mom.

    People can become better, and my step grandmother did. She apologized to my mom and owned what she did, and she was pretty good with me and my siblings when we were growing up.

    The shit she put my mom through was insane. She told my mom that her mom was in hell burning because she killed herself. My mom and her step siblings got lice at school and she shaved my mom’s head but not theirs (12 years old too, so she got bullied on top of that humiliation), told my mom she looked too much like her mom and was ugly (and honestly, my mother was one of the most beautiful people around. When I was growing up I heard comments constantly, “Bro! Your sister is hot!” “That’s my mom jackass!”)

    The list goes on and on. She succeeded in getting rid of my mom when she hit about 13. My mom’s youngest sibling was more than 10 years older than her, so she spent her teens moving around between her older brother and sisters until she married at 16, and has been on her own since.

  • It just proves to me that people are people.

    How can we get to the root of our problems if we continue to group people from different regions as separate and distinct?

    We’re all the same species. We’re humans dehumanizing humans to make killing humans easier under the leadership of a tiny fraction of our species fighting to go down in history. Same as it ever was.

    Even when we do our absolute best to be good to each other, we still break ourselves into groups. “You can’t wear braids, that’s cultural appropriation!” The person who says that means well, but ultimately we have to stop treating each other as, well, other.

    The only thing that makes us any different is actually something that we should strive to see as similarity. That is which individuals from which time influenced what area and how that don’t really matter and was just luck (or bad luck) of the draw.

    So what if 3,000 years ago some dude thought it was cool to paint stripes on his face and wear a big hat which lead to millions painting stripes on their faces while wearing big hats over there in a distant land.

    It’s the same damn thing as some dude over here thinking that a white wig and a big frilly shirt was rad and millions following in his footsteps.

    It really is simple. Our cultures are built from people who came and went before us and folks following them and spreading the rad (or ugly) shit they did.

    Our culture has to reach a point where it is considered a collective and shared human culture.

    Who fucked who, where, and how much influence they left on their descendants and how much we give a shit about the where isn’t helping us. If an alien abducted 10 humans from different regions they wouldn’t even give a thought to how our history separates us. They’d just have 10 of a species from the planet earth.

    I hope we get it together one day. It breaks my heart that those people are suffering so terribly right now. The malnourished kids in those photos remind me of the ones from the holocaust.

    It would be nice if the people in power could relate their suffering to that of their grandparents. It really would.

    Sorry I’m all over the place.

  • theangryseal@lemmy.worldtomemes@lemmy.worldThe invisible man cometh
    6 months ago

    God, the number of people who have coughed all over their hands and then proceeded to hand me money.

    And while I’m fired up…

    Those fuckers who have a handful of cash that has been in buried in a stripper’s crotch, stuck in my 600-lb life lady’s tits in the summertime, and god knows where else. They lick their thumb, slide a bill, lick their thumb, slide the next, and then proceed to hand me the spit covered bills. So I got to watch them eat stale stripper ass and 600-lb life tit sweat and then hand me their own germs to top it off.

    Had a guy last week, brought his kid in and got a drink. “You gawt inny straws?” “Yeah bud, I keep them back here because they didn’t come with individual wrappers. I don’t want folks digging around in them and getting everybody’s kid sick.” I grabbed the plastic on the outside and carefully slid him a straw up that he could easily grab. What does he do? He goddamn stuck his whole hand down in the middle of the straws, dug around, and pulled another one out while giving me a dirty look.

    I wanted to punch him so bad. If that kid wasn’t standing there so excited for her slush Puppie I would have just refused to let him get it and told him to fuck off.

    I knew this kid when I was in elementary school. He said, “peetuhl is duuuum.” He was right.