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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 6th, 2023


  • The game is a heart breaking disappointment and a flagship example of enshitification. But the product managers delivered an amazing hack job. They retooled an existing engine, reskinned it tweaked some colors, and added item rolls and launched very quickly after the immortal failure.

    The game delivered because the base design was functional, most of the failures came from the new loot system storing cache between players, not being able to scale mob size, lack of qa, lack of added art. All of which can be explained by the rushed time line. But the game sold ungodly amount of copies, just because of the name. Minimal investment and massive payout means it was a business success, although the players are still pissed that the original game designer had no idea what was fun. After the bad press activation did they try clean house but the damage was done.

  • Mostly no, which appears to be the minority so I’ll share. Adding exercise is adding stress, you need to find time, expend energy, you are physically tired afterwards, you feel guilt when you skip, muscle aches… It’s all just terrible, but your body typically rewards you with endorphins to make it feel worthwhile, and more importantly it gives you a lot more opportunities. When you are in shape your perceived charisma goes up significantly, mostly because you are more attractive.

    Reward needs to balance with effort. You’ll have a lot more fun with concrete commitments, or if you actually enjoy the activity and want to do it. Going to the gym is depressing, but showing up for the weekly sportsball game will make sure you run a little every week and you might make some active friends that will introduce you to more things. Pickleball and indoor rock climbing are two entry friendly activities.