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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 3rd, 2023

  • I’ll tell you the nasty truth. You’re right, but if a politician ran a campaign to strip Israel of all their benefits of American Exceptionalism they will be crushed in the polls. They won’t just lose they will be decimated.


    Because despite what you say, many of those Jews you are referring to are actually Zionists once cutting off the hand that feeds their homeland is threatened.

    Non-Jews need to understand that unlike Christianity there is a level of identity politics steeped in nationalism, religion and culture are all so heavily intertwined it’s hard to break through. I’m speaking from experience. 3 of my kids are Jewish.

    I feel sorry for those sane Israelis that are powerless as their insanely right wing government kills any hope they have for a safe future thanks to destroying an already tenuous relationship with all their neighbours in the ME.