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Cake day: July 1st, 2023

  • Xhieron@lemmy.worldtoNews@lemmy.worldCatherine, Princess of Wales, Has Cancer
    6 months ago

    I think the British royal family is a scourge on the earth, responsible for untold amounts of suffering. The UK, British Isles, British people, and world would be a better place without it. I truly hate everything the Windsors stand for, along with their ancestors going back hundreds of years.

    But I hate cancer more.

    I think it’s possible to have complex feelings about this. Nobody deserves cancer. A lot of the kings of England deserve to have had their heads cut off, but none of them deserved cancer, and certainly not this lady who just lucked and schemed and Machiavellied herself into a life of incomparable privilege inside one of the most powerful dynasties still in existence–the same thing anyone would have done given the chance.

    Fuck the royal family. But fuck cancer more. I hope she comes out of it alright, because her husband needs to break the British monarchy, and it would be nicer for him if he had his wife with him when he did.

    [American here, if it wasn’t obvious.]

  • Biden’s an awesome leader. I’m going to show up and vote for him even though my state will almost certainly go red in November, because I’m a patriot and Joe Biden has actually tried to improve my life, which is more than I can say for Trump, Obama, Bush, or most other presidents in my lifetime, and it’s certainly more than I can say for every third party candidate with the sole exception of Ralph Nader (thanks for making my car safer, Ralph).

    Joe Biden tried to forgive my student debt, he tried (and partially succeeded) to improve the company’s crumbling infrastructure, he revived antitrust and labor, and he’s been fighting to keep Russia from taking over Eastern Europe. Donald Trump told me to drink bleach. You don’t have to like either of them, but pretending they’re equally bad is either trolling, being willfully uninformed, or doing the propaganda work of a foreign adversary (knowingly or not).

    You vote your conscience; it might not matter much, depending on where you live, or it might matter a whole lot. But reality should show you, like it does the rest of us, that the only possible outcomes of this presidential election are a second Biden presidency or a second Trump presidency. Anything you do will make one of those things more likely to happen, and you don’t get to opt out by staying home or setting your ballot on fire in protest.

  • I love this. I love it because I immediately recognize the conversation. Know where I’ve seen it before? 1 Corinthians 7.

    Yup, this conversation about the challenge of pursuing higher ends despite the natural pull to family and relationships? It’s the same struggle people have been toiling over for thousands of years. This stuff’s in the Bible, and it hasn’t really changed. Is the man who pursues a family instead of the Big Picture doing the wrong thing? the right thing? Who knows.

    I think if we don’t annihilate ourselves people will still be bickering over this question in another millenium.

    I haven’t seen the movie yet, so I have no position on the space spider, but I love that this debate is so simple and timeless.