Sweet Baby Inc doesn’t even remotely do what many think it does, but on the modern internet, that doesn’t matter

  • Spuddlesv2@lemmy.ca
    7 months ago

    Ah yes, Reddit, the epicentre of all wokeness.

    The mainstream media picked up on it when actual intelligent games producers chimed in to try to defuse the situation you fragile little man babies were trying to stir up.

    It is nothing but conspiracy theories.

    If you buy into the bullshit conspiracies then you are a hater. Or a moron. Or both. All 200,000 of you.

    If you think the curator isn’t a bigot and/or racist and/or misogynist you’re a fucking idiot.

    The CEO of SBI being full of hyperbole doesn’t change any of that.

    You say you can “decide for yourself” and then list a handful of links to people pushing their own agenda.