• TheBananaKing@lemmy.world
    1 year ago

    Think Scar and the hyenas. Or think Redmask and the K’Chain Che’Malle, if you’re that way inclined.

    While their glorious leader is being assailed, they will fight and die in his name, definitely. How dare the weak attack the strong?

    But once his plot-armour falls off and the punches actually land? The plot-armour is what they worship in the first place. That’s their whole MO, their entire paradigm. They need a bigger, more-invulnerable bully above them to give them cover, and an underclass of vulnerable-therefore-contemptible victims beneath them to make them feel both powerful and vindicated every time they oppress them.

    If you upset that whole structure, and show their leader to be vulnerable… where does that leave them? How do they regain their honour?