Many years later, she’s out there. She’s still doing the nitty gritty. Could of cashed in and been a public speaker. I appreciate and respect what she does.
Greta Thunberg is the next generation of Bernie Sanders. Protect and cherish her.
She’s a real one.
Could have*
Learn basic grammar, FFS.
No need to be rude about it, though.
Or maybe its because they’re english is there second language and they could care less on lemmy, at least less then commenting.
Edit: bring the downvotes! I win, you loose.
“Could of” instead of “Could’ve”“Could have” is not a typical mistake people make that have English as their second language.
Citation needed*
The fact that you think this needs a citation shows that you are a native speaker.
These might be no high quality sources, but it shows that it is something that non native speakers find weird:
Plagiarism is a bad thing
Including plagiarising the dictionary
Ikr like evr even rmr witch wrds 2 use?
Edit: sadly it wouldn’t let me put the witch emoji for which
Greta was flexing that keffiyeh when it was still unpopular. She’s a real one.
Nice to see someone who understands how to protest instead of the dip shits blocking ambulances and defacing paintings in the UK.
When will they learn.
what difference is she making
More of a difference than you’re making, I fucking guarantee it
tin of soup