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  • 1 Post
Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: March 14th, 2023


  • Instead of fear mongering about orange man bad, why not galvanize support behind actual progressive policies (which are extremely popular btw)? Where are the Dems repeatedly and loudly asking republicans about the last time they proposed any legislation at all that would meaningfully improve the lives of their constituents, ideally in those Repugs’ own districts where it would get free local news coverage and be seen by voters

    …When can we have leaders who will actually fight for us?

    You raise very good questions that I do not have the answers to. As a generation the best I can think of is to fight back both at the ballot box and organize in the streets.

  • See my other response:

    portion of other response

    Don’t get me wrong, Democrats have been sitting on their hands, taking the high road and killing progressive reforms in the name of “compromise” for many years now, and are also funded by rich oligarchs. Biden as a senator voted for the bill preventing student loans being discharged during the same term under W. But the President isn’t King (I will say at least not until November this year), and can’t unilaterally write legislation.

    Democratic senators are introducing legilslation, some of them progressive like Sanders’ 32 h work week law. In the house they propose bills but none will get to the floor without Johnson’s approval.

  • It’s pretty obvious to me that no progress has happened with Republicans in Congress hell-bent on not passing helpful legislation as that would upset their dear leader. The only way a President can make good on their promises without them is by executive order, which is expanding, enforcing or interpreting existing signed legislation by Congress from present and previous administrations. That’s how it works. His big bid to give everyone 10 to 20k in forgiveness, using the 2002 HEROES act was overruled by conservative’s favourite Supreme Court, so he is trying any other avenue he can find without predatory loan businesses suing it away again.

    Don’t get me wrong, Democrats have been sitting on their hands, taking the high road and killing progressive reforms in the name of “compromise” for many years now, and are also funded by rich oligarchs. Biden as a senator voted for the bill preventing student loans being discharged during the same term under W. But the President isn’t King (I will say at least not until November this year), and can’t unilaterally write legislation.