• TheObviousSolution@lemm.ee
    6 months ago

    Whatever happened to tasers? I guess it’s not that convenient for the police to have someone capable of suing back, makes one wonder how many cases aren’t able to get the attention this kid is.

    • aksdb@lemmy.world
      6 months ago

      Tasers are also quite risky.

      What they should have is some proper martial arts training so they can deal with most problems in closer encounters. Fucking shit, they have better equipment and bigger numbers. There should be zero reason to pull a gun unless the other party also has one.

      Then maybe escalate to tasers if the other party has a knife and seems to actually starting to attack. If they are just standing there (in a defensive stance or whatever), they should still not be tasered.

      • TheObviousSolution@lemm.ee
        6 months ago

        It’s far less dangerous than a gun and ideal for melee opponents because cops can still maintain a certain amount of range. You didn’t read the article, did you? The kid was approaching fast charging with the sharp end of a gardening tool over his head while being told to back off, I think there is no question that he was suffering a manic episode. There were a number of ways to deal with the situation, but before reaching for the gun they could have reached for the taser. Tasers are quite risky, yes, but less so than shooting several bullets in a residential zone at someone.

        • aksdb@lemmy.world
          6 months ago

          The comment I answered to was quite generic. If tasers get sold as safer guns, they will also be over-used.

          That’s why I explicitly told about escalations and the taser was still part of that escalation chain. And yes, in this particular case, a taser could have been a good approach. Although cops with shield and tonfas might have done the job as well. But to be fair: I don’t expect cops to pull out a shield everytime they leave their car and I don’t think they anticipated such a quick escalation here. If a tonfa alone (by two cops, however) would have done the trick … hard to say. Against a knife: yes. Against that large-ass gardening tool … maybe not.

          So yes: in this case, a taser would have been good. In general: I would still prefer first going with far far less risky approaches.

          • TheObviousSolution@lemm.ee
            6 months ago

            So basically, in the case the thread is about, a taser or insert less risky option here would have been good, got it.

            • aksdb@lemmy.world
              6 months ago

              In general anything less than killing or maiming someone should be the utmost priority.

              But as I said: also a taser can kill and also tackling someone and pinning them to the ground can. So I would put less focus on the methods and more on the intention. Cops should neither have to act out of fear (that’s what training is for) nor out of pleasure. And some cops just seem to get off on being in control. If cops generally would want the best not just for themselves and other civilians but also for the perpetrators, a lot of the problems would solve themself.