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Cake day: June 11th, 2023

  • While I think they would nail him to a cross, without noticing the irony, rather than burn him, you’re not wrong. Jesus is too woke for them.

    Moore told NPR in an interview released Tuesday that multiple pastors had told him they would quote the Sermon on the Mount, specifically the part that says to “turn the other cheek,” when preaching. Someone would come up after the service and ask, “Where did you get those liberal talking points?”

    “What was alarming to me is that in most of these scenarios, when the pastor would say, ‘I’m literally quoting Jesus Christ,’ the response would not be, ‘I apologize.’ The response would be, ‘Yes, but that doesn’t work anymore. That’s weak,’” Moore said. “When we get to the point where the teachings of Jesus himself are seen as subversive to us, then we’re in a crisis.”

  • Not really, but a few years ago I was going through an old box of VHS home movies for my wife and turning them into MP4s. Amongst the tapes I found a box set of Star Wars IV, V, & VI. The original trilogy before Lucas fucked them up. Naturally I ripped a copy of those as a back up. Sadly they were pan-and-scan but they were actually in good shape!

  • Maybe even one cop. I’m not sure exactly where Pence was when Eugene Goodman led the mob away from the still unsecured chamber door to the Senate chambers, or how many armed officers were inside the room, but if Pence was still in the Chambers, it would have been very ugly. At minimum, there would have been at least a few more bullet-riddled traitors at the end of the day.

    According to this CNN article, Goodman led the mob away at 2:14 PM and Pence was evacuated from the Senate at 2:30 PM. This PBS article notes that Pence was evacuated from the Senate chamber to a secure location in the building at 2:12 PM. As incompetent as we all may like to think Trump is, his mob came within a minute or two and about a hundred feet of achieving his goal. Because if the mob had gotten their hands on Pence or even one member of congress, Trump would have declared martial law and would very likely still be in office.

  • Biden cannot de-schedule it. At most, he could issue an executive order telling the DEA to stop pursuing marijuana charges. Even if he did, the next president could just undo that. Biden is doing what he can which is calling for the AG to reschedule the drug.

    There are only two ways weed can be de/rescheduled. First, is for congress to pass legislation doing so which then would need to be signed by the president. Congress is not going to do that. It’s been attempted multiple times and has never come anywhere near passing. They pretty much all died in committee.

    The second way is the way mandated by by the Controlled Substances Act. That laws states that, first, someone must file a petition with the attorney general, or the AG could initiate the process themselves. The AG then sends the request to HHS Secretary to start a scientific and medical evaluation of the request. HHS and FDA then conduct an assessment and sends a recommendation to the AG. Meanwhile, the AG/DEA conduct their own review of the request. Assuming everyone agrees, the AG then initiates the standard rule making process following the Administrative Procedures Act and the White House, after it’s own review and the change can be made.

    This article has a lovely, if disheartening flowchart of the process. It is a convoluted bureaucracy, but there is hope since the process was started in 2022 when President Biden instructed HHS to conduct a review into rescheduling marijuana.

    HHS has since completed their review and sent a formal recommendation to the Attorney General on August 29 of 2023 recommending that marijuana be moved from Schedule I to Schedule III. The ball is currently in the DEA’s court. They have to conduct their own review and rumor has it that there are those within the DEA who disagree with Biden’s push to reschedule weed. Still, with at least half the states allowing some form of legal access to marijuana, and the FDA having approved at least one drug derived from marijuana, they will be hard pressed to find some compelling reason to go against the HHS recommendation.

    Of course, I think it’s only too clear that the DEA is likely to strongly oppose this change and there are rumors that this is the case. Now it’s just a matter of the DEA dragging it’s feet before making an official announcement.

  • Probably not. The headline is a bit misleading.

    The driver’s license bill increases the maximum sentence for anyone convicted of driving without a license twice or more from 60 days in jail to a year. This also applies to US citizens and immigrants in the country legally – but in Florida, undocumented people are barred from obtaining a license in the first place.

    It applies to everyone, but since Florida doesn’t issue drivers licenses to undocumented immigrants, they are more likely to be caught driving without a license. It’s still a very stupid law. Jailing people isn’t free. Adding 10 months to their sentences gains the state nothing and costs it about $16,500 per conviction.