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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 17th, 2023


  • Game play is better, but similar. The improvements make it a fun challenge to take down the monsters piece by piece. I didn’t enjoy the game play of the first nearly as much.

    The continuation of the story is good, but not as intriguing as the first. If story in the first was 10/10, this one is 8/10; so still pretty good.

    If you enjoyed the first one, this one is definitely worth playing. There will also be a 3rd and having played the 2nd game will be required to understand the story.

  • If you want a president that cares more about Americans than America, then you’ll love Joe Biden. If we compare republican to Democrat options of the past, you’d have to go back to Bush senior before you could even find a competitor to Biden. Before that, I think you’re back to Eisenhower.

    Biden does the best he can, but the president’s powers are limited. Even when he tries to exercise them faithfully, he’s stopped by the republican supreme court.

    To reduce those complex issues to single sentence, overly simplified questions is willfully disengenous.

  • When a fraud department calls you, you don’t need to provide any more information than your name and yes/no answers. If they are asking for any additional information, tell them that you don’t trust their authenticity and that you’ll call the number on the credit card. A legitimate agent will politely end the conversation there.

    Then you better call that number on the card quickly.

  • It was rather difficult to understand the point of this essay. It doesn’t state its thesis until about the middle. The first half is a philosophical review of automation games, taking a detour to explain what the word automation could mean (why?) to eventually arrive at the conclusion that tech bros (incorrectly associating them with Silicon Valley, which is focused on hardware, not software) are bad. The reasoning for which seems to be largely an opinion stated as fact with the supporting evidence being that these games are unrealistic.

    I found it difficult to engage with these ideas because the linkage between them is so incredibly stretched that it is hard to see the connection at all.