My last few cars gave been a swap between European and Japanese cars so the stalks keep swapping. My current car is a euro but my wifes car and the work cars are Japanese…
I put the wipers on to indicate so damn often.
My last few cars gave been a swap between European and Japanese cars so the stalks keep swapping. My current car is a euro but my wifes car and the work cars are Japanese…
I put the wipers on to indicate so damn often.
I’m the opposite.
Fuck cardio, give me an olympic barbell and lets work on chucking some heavy shit around. Managed a 210lb clean and jerk last week.
My workplace can be a bit juvenile like this, but we all understand the key rule. No means fucking no. Sometimes the shenanigans start and someone says “Not today, I’m not in the fuckin mood” and its respected. Some people are shenanigans free zones, you leave those people the fuck alone.
But like you said, you threw a bottle of water at someones face… this shit always gets out of hand, it ALWAYS escalates. You have to remove yourself from the inappropriate behavior chain 100% and make it clear to people that want to persist that you are over it and it needs to stop, if they do it again straight up tell them thats the last time or you go to management and start naming names and demanding they do something.
Sometimes a workplace that is “inappropriate” is fun, not having to be some rigid corporate drone who never speaks unless its in some sanitised language. Sometimes its not.
I cant comment on the ubiquity of these jobs. But I work for a (non us) national government organisation with a union. Pay is the same the country round so living in a relatively major city with significantly lower cost of living than the majors means I get a pretty damn good quality of life, better cost of living and job security out of less money than some jobs.
Its not just the dollar figure but what it gets you and where.
I dont.
If its going to happen let it happen where my family will get a payout from the pricks.
NGL I now want someone to do the redneck version of Mamma Mia.
Also while its vulgar “Comedy Country” the dude is actually a really good musician and would probably still have a solid career if he had played it straight.
Ok I’m going to be the asshole. My little sister became OBSESSED with Mamma Mia and Hairspray. I never minded Abba, now I FUCKING HATE ABBA. She watched them one after the other 2 viewings of each at least once a day for about 6 months.
So my answer is, you can use any combination of Wheeler Walker Jnr songs you like.
Steve Harvey will take any gig.
I feel bad for Aaron Paul because I have to stop and think “theres Jake, Logan and Aaron… which one wasnt the fuckstick?” Ive googled it before and they arent related which makes me happy for Aaron.
I know it isnt the question you asked but the easiest way around this is to find someone you trust who can just use it sparingly, preferably someone with a garage who can keep it out of the weather for you.
Alternatively fill the tank and use a storage additive. Like this stuff
Dont just disconnect the battery, take it out of the car and put it inside, on a battery tender if you can afford it. Put 1 or 2 of those closet dehumidifier tubs in it as a precaution against mould (especially if its been rainy in the leadup to storage) and if you’re relatively smart with cars go into the fuse box and take out the fuse for the ecu/fuel pump so that if someone breaks into the house and finds the keys they cant just steal the car.
Also yes, DEFINITELY get a cover that fits well. Poor fitting covers can really damage the paint if they move around too much.
The Palworld devs sound like they are very switched on, its a good thing that they recognise that their epic success can bring with it headaches.
I trust that China is every bit as manipulative and untrustworthy as western governments, so I absolutely believe that they either have or will use TikTok to further their own geopolitical/economic ends either by feeding content to sway opinions or for intelligence gathering.
But as someone in a western nation I am all for preventing other nations from gathering inteligence or running psyops on us, I dont belive that having something like TikTok that is (or can be) effectively 100% controlled by a foreign government is a good thing.
No I’m not learning the rules to Gaslands.
Instructions unclear, fighting demons on Phobos.
That one is so dad it just asked me if I made good time on the way here.
I made a very crude one with 2 of my workmates today, but one choked on his coffee so I’m proud of it.
“Rougher than being fingered by a brickie” (Bricklayer)
for an audience of 2… possibly the wittiest joke ive thought of off the top of my head… for 2 people.
The specific numbers dont matter.
If you take 1 million cars with an average useage time of 1 hour a day and reduce that by 10 minutes thats roughly the same as taking 1 in 6 cars off the road from an emisions standpoint.
Make it 500,000 cars and reduce it by only 5 minutes its roughly the same as 41,000 cars worth of emissions that werent pumped out of exhaust pipes.
No it doesnt solve everything. Yes a well designed public transport system would be a much bigger environmental benefit. But its something that could be done with current tech and without massive infrastructure overhauls with a real tangible benefit for the environment and society.
Not a specific game, but Ive had this discussion before and been downvoted to shit for my stance. Ive bought plenty of not great games on extreme steam sale and I cant help but mentally review them on a dollars to enjoyment over time scale.
Was it a great game? Not really. Did I play it for 3 weekends? Yes. Did I get $10 of entertainment value out of it? Absolutely, it seems like I cant leave the house without spending $10. Thats significantly better value than how I feel about buying D4 at launch.