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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 25th, 2023

  • If you enjoyed A Fire Upon the Deep, you should definitely check out the other 2 books. The Children of the Sky is a straightforward sequel to A Fire Upon the Deep, more fun with the pack intelligences of the Tines. I really liked the idea of a pack intelligence surviving longer than an individual member in those books. A Deepness in the Sky has a hibernating technological spider civilization and human savants exploited and enslaved as basically hyper focused biological automatons. Also there are inflatable space ships. Working my memory to type this, I realize that I kinda want to read them again.

  • Zoos already deal with this on a regular basis. They are allowed to keep and breed endangered species. They are not allowed to sell them or their parts. They are allowed to ship sperm and eggs to further captive breeding programs. Sometimes hybridization is the only option to preserve any part of the species. But when one zoo has too many of a particular endangered species and maybe not enough of another, they organize trades between zoos to better distribute the supply of what is essentially a good that cannot be legally bought or sold. The animals are explicitly NOT bought or sold between zoos and shouldn’t end up in the hands of private individuals.

    Selling the rights to hunt an endangered animal is not any different than selling the animal directly. A lawyer might argue that a hybrid of an endangered animal is not endangered. But, these are not ecological stewards and this is absolutely not about species preservation. This isn’t even hunting. This is an international conspiracy to profit off of the bloodlust of the ruling class.