He can’t get a bond against his properties because he’s over leveraged up the wazzooo on all of them.
That’s his whole financial shtick, he gets loans against his properties until they come calling for him to repay, then gets more loans somewhere else to pay of the old loans.
That worked for him for the longest time until western banks got wise of this (either because he stiffed them or because he’s still paying of his loans with them) and the only places he could lend from to repay the Western banks are questionable money sources.
So now he’s in debt with everyone from legit banks to dark money sources and can’t get anyone anywhere to lend him any more, especially not half a billion.
We can only hope a bunch of them start defaulting him on his loans and confiscating his properties, so that that whole house of cards starts crumbling down.
The discussion was already had