Trump is already a massive man-child, imagine how untenable his children will be when daddy dies.
Reddit is trash
Trump is already a massive man-child, imagine how untenable his children will be when daddy dies.
With this SCOTUS, there is no FO part for conservatives
Let’s not forget the obvious greed and theft by these companies.
Being forced to have home insurance is ridiculous. Private companies jack up prices, make all the rules, and come and go as they please. We need to figure out a better system!
Islam is a religion of peace, except when it isn’t.
Fucking polymorph grenades in later acts pissed me off.
You give people far too much credit.
She’s in the sheep-fucker part of Georgia. She’ll be back.
“Dumb Don” has a ring to it.
No. I love the KOTOR games and hate Larian’s turn-based combat gameplay.
The joke’s on you if you think Gambit pays taxes.
There’s probably a mutant with accounting powers.
Found the person pouring water into the boat.
Gaming communities are a great example of both
Traitorous assclowns who represent 40-50% of the population, unfortunately.
Every lie Republicans tell is repeated forever by Fox News and other right-wing outlets. Challenging them doesn’t undo the damage, but it does stifle them from making more talking points.
Or trying to grab her by the pussy.
Satan with a hair piece and spray-on tan