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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 14th, 2023


  • You are absolutely right that corporations buying up all of the properties are the biggest problem, but I think the reason most people in this thread are irritated with the landlord from the OP is because they make it sound like they are doing the world a favor by leasing their own building.

    Even if they aren’t directly profiting off of the rent they collect, like say for example they are simply breaking even each month, they are still indirectly profiting by having an affordable place to return to whenever they decide they want to move back to the UK again. “Where would people live if not for me?” is kind of a ridiculous claim, because either the tenant would take over ownership of the property or another investor would purchase the property and take over the existing lease if that weren’t possible.

  • Of course he cries election interference, but just a reminder that Donald Trump could have taken a few years off of campaigning to spend time to properly defend himself in court and then run again when it was over. That was always allowed. But we all know why he insists on running right now despite the mountain of felony indictments against him. He knows he is going to lose every court case because he’s guilty as fuck and wants to use the office of president to wash away these crimes he committed with a self-pardon.

    The very fact that he can’t post bond is proof that he is at the end of his rope. Time to pay back all the money you defrauded the people of New York, Crooked Don.

  • There were two heroes that were released as Xbox exclusive DLC back during the original release - Kit Fisto and Asajj Ventress. The mod added them into the PC version by reskinning Ki Adi Mundi and Ayla Secura respectively. The Aspyr release uses the reskinned versions from the mod rather than the official models from Pandemic/Lucasarts which they presumably had permission to use but chose not to despite the fact that the original models don’t have graphical errors and do have the correct fighting style/animations.

  • What the fuck. I refuse to believe this improves company profits in 90% of the companies.

    It doesn’t. Hundreds of industry studies have been done, and they all point to the same conclusion. 40 hours of work is the absolute maximum you can squeeze out of a worker before you start to see productivity and quality take a sharp nosedive. Doesn’t matter if you’re a factory worker or an office drone, fatigue will set in and give increasingly diminished returns for every hour over that. 40 hour work weeks only became the standard across the United States because of Henry Ford actually listening to the people doing these studies.

    I think part of the reason we haven’t shifted more towards a more balanced 30 hour work week despite the absolutely massive increase in productivity thanks to computerization and automation is because management positions attract individuals who strongly believe that more effort = more results, and that probably rings true for managerial positions where the most alpha-minded ones who work extra hard above and beyond the job’s expectations are the ones to typically get the promotions and thus become industry leaders themselves in time.

    Consider how much time people spend on Facebook or TikTok or whatever while on the job. Consider how much time is spent “looking busy” when in reality you might just be dragging out the task you are on so that you are not assigned more busywork. This is all a product of people having jobs that demand they be present and paid for 40 hours worth of labor, but a great deal of it is “performative labor” where they are not actually producing, but can’t afford to clock out early because wages are based on how long you are at work, and rarely commission based, so there’s no incentive to produce more for the same pay so long as you are meeting expectations/quotas.

  • I wouldn’t be so quick to point the finger at corruption.

    Most politicians are wealthy before they take office simply because running a political campaign to get elected in the first place takes quite a bit of funding for anything above local offices, so the career path naturally attracts individuals who are independently wealthy. That’s not to say that politicians do not make money off of their positions via insider trading, bribes, gifts, and so on, but it’s not the only reason you tend to see a lot of rich people in congress.

    I’d be more interested to know how much more wealthy they became over a number of years serving in congress. Stats like these don’t paint the whole picture.