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Cake day: July 1st, 2023


  • Medicine would be drugs. Unless you mean in the broad sense of the term.

    For me I require a reason behind my happiness, maybe it’s my autism I’m not sure, however without a foundation leading to smiles the smiles are lackluster. Just forcing myself to go outside, sit in a nice park, etc. helps place me into opportunities where I can notice things that make me happy bit by bit.
    These little things add up. Being at a small time gig, of a band I haven’t heard of, being around people who like the same things helps a lot.

    I’ve wanted to see my favourite musicians, and I managed to through perseverance (Corey Taylor is an amazing human being, his outlook definitely rubbed off on me). I wanted to go to Europe, and everyone I knew kept saying “one day”, so I decided that “one day” for me was going to be the next. Packed some things and went that weekend to Amsterdam, by myself, and met 3-4 people and we all hung out together for four days and we had such a connection we enjoyed ourselves so much.

    If you have an inkling of places or things that would make you happy, perhaps try forcing the first step into it. It’s easier said than done, though good luck man.

  • Oh I agree. I think getting people into using reusable bottles it would be better, however cities need to adapt to this approach for it to work. My local city centres all have standing cylinders, with a space for a water bottle, that dispense filtered water for free. They’re set up all along busy shopping areas, and as long as they’re maintained they can be very good at reducing the frequency of even needing to recycle a product. Recycling is fantastic for reusing materials and thus cutting down on destruction for resources etc., however the elephant in the room needs to be addressed: recycling plants, in order for the machines to process materials in such ways, inevitably creates some considerable pollutants in the air.
    Just my opinion that recycling, as essential as it is in many ways, should not be used as a fallback for climate change; it makes more sense to me to systematically push reusable containers and make this the norm, of materials that can be easily recycled in the event that they break.

  • I like the idea of water in cans, this rivals one of own business ventures from a few years ago.

    The issue I have with this is that this is clearly a profit based initiative, and I do not believe environmental benefits are really considered unless it adds to the profit.
    Why do they not sell the cans at a reasonable price? Because it won’t make them a billion dollars if they did this.

    I just have my doubts that this has anything to do with doing any good for the planet, it’s just expensive water that exists to fill pockets with money. Any benefit seems like a side effect.