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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 12th, 2023


  • Where have I said we shouldn’t demand more from Biden and the Democrats? I would argue the opposite. Biden didn’t get my vote in the primary. My claim is that voting against the Democrats in the general election does not get you more from the Democrats, it enables the party trying to make our lives significantly worse.

    You can criticize the party while still voting for them when the alternative is a party bent on ending democracy. You can also primary all the candidates that don’t represent your values. I would encourage it. I don’t understand why it’s so difficult to acknowledge Democrats both need to improve the party AND win every election against every GOP candidate possible.

  • It’s not true. Voting isn’t a moral calculation, it’s a strategic one. I absolutely agree that the onus is on Biden to bring people into the tent, but anyone that isn’t going to vote for him because “he hasn’t done enough” or “both sides are the same” (which are objectively untrue) is making a poor strategic decision that is against their own interests and supporting Conservatives. People should understand that. They should understand why their protest vote in a general election isn’t a protest vote and how it damages their own cause.

  • Yes there are people in the party that don’t support progressive change. All I’m saying is get rid of those assholes. It seems like you’re saying the entire party falls in that bucket or that everyone is taking turns killing progressive legislation. I don’t see any evidence of that. They have not had the votes to do the things we want. Manchin/Sinema isn’t a surprise hurdle, we’ve known they weren’t going to vote to remove the filibuster. Moderates blocking stuff isn’t new, it’s been a hurdle with every single bit of progress we’ve ever achieved.

    The solution is to get more seats filled with progressives and make it so we don’t need to rely on their votes (or any moderate Democrat). Your rhetoric seems to imply that project is pointless and drives people away from putting in the necessary groundwork to enact real change. That’s all I’m saying. If you have a better solution I’m all ears.