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Joined 7 months ago
Cake day: February 10th, 2024


  • You can have genocide in Gaza, or you can have genocide in Gaza and (“stepping-stone”) Ukraine. Its an unfortunate choice, but an important one nonetheless. If im harping on a moot point to you bc you already know this, rest assured i say this for all other readers as well. Your votes down ballot are also extremely valuable. This primary there was a referendum in my county that I was in favor of that passed by less than 100 votes.

  • Yeah… actually. I know, craziness. But its true. Everyone drinks from the wrong cup of kool aid at the party eventually. We need to have empathy and sympathy for those led astray.

    That was answering the first question, anyway. For the second, id say a resound, “fuck no!” but that unfortunately doesnt negate the answer to the first question :(

  • In my much sleepier state, i took the shaq meme as intended to be unironic.

    Now my understanding (on the other sleepy end of my timeline :p) is that u are making a sarcastic dig at the US being upset over an adversary’s economy being hit bc its raising our oil prices while not caring one bit about the genocide going on in Gaza.

  • Alright this ones gonna be a lil tough to put together, so heres hoping this all comes out decently coherent.

    Ive not heard this distinction between “Revolution v. revolution,” i find it interesting and will hopefully look into this more when ive got the time. Most talk of revolution i hear, from an American-centric vantage point, anyway, is tankies here on Lemmy (and back when I was on reddit, there too) claiming that participation in democracy and not believing state sources from American adversaries are antithetical to “The Revolution TM” they are going for, and the correct way forward is shitposting memes about the same, and just generally coaxing anyone u can from the west into deculturalization.

    I find such talk to be counterproductive toward a free future, enabling of hostile foreign goals, and counterproductive to actual leftist aims.

    Putting idle talk aside, and looking at revolution more closely, prefiguration sounds more like what I believe to be a way towards that utopia we mentioned. That said, the little r revolution still sounds like its predicated on the notion that there will be some singular moment in which we, the proletariat, rise above the shackles of wage slavery, neoliberalism, and the mass exploitation of the global south, which seems like wishful thinking at best. I believe that we need an overarching cultural shift towards global consciousness, mutual respect/aid, and, obviously, away from only rewarding the pursuit of money, but should we make that switch, itd still take incremental (though fast-paced), sweeping change.

    It is far easier for humans to ammend something already existing to work better, than it is to build something better outright from scratch. You mention more library-like initiatives, i concur, thats a capital idea, but i think youll find that they would be more easily (in the States, as an example) implemented through the already existing American library system. While each library is pretty different from the last and they all have the opportunity to run themselves, assuming they were all actually properly funded or at least not impeded in their quest to educate all, itd be a breeze to introduce more services into their catalog. Libraries already have 3d printers, fax machines, and honestly a larger bevy of resources than most are not aware of. I try to make my peers conscious of this so that they not only save money, but they build a stronger sense of our collective strength if only we are ok with sharing.

    We have (admittedly wasteful/inefficient) infrastructure to do very much right now in the system as it stands. We have the ability to bring food to people, to grow it in the first place, to provide amenities like hygenic items, to create those items, to invest time into studying new technologies to replace the old, to actually cut down and reduce our consumption. All this is attainable right away.

    Maybe this fits in with ur soft r revolution, but i cant help but think the only way these problems are alleviated is by installing comrades with praxis politics in positions of power to begin immediately de-emphasizing the influence of money on our society, and start getting these sorts of systems running for the purpose of running without a for profit motive. Thats the hard part, im aware, but eschewing the hierarchies in place bc we dont like how they emphasize our socioeconomic borders only accomplishes our goals insofar as everyone would be back to square one, albeit together.

    I feel like what im describing may sound a bit Marxist-Leninist, but the big difference i would emphasize is that the majority of the restructuring we need happens at a lower level of political power, but requires enabling by the top. I dont believe one bit in “dictatorship of the proletariat,” as power corrupts. Its important that the second any true comrade attains power, they immediately begin dispensing with it as stated.

    Idk, i guess i feel all avenues of action should be pursued. Im not so believing of the practicality of revolution, but in my experience anarchists are easy to work with and generally take, er- understandable courses of actions that i can either get behind doing myself, or at the least, appreciate them as genuine avenues to be undertaken by someone else willing.

    Im not that well versed in anarchist lit, as u suspected. I know Papa Krop, but past that, ive read excerpts of random texts on the anrachist library (if thats what that was called), and Ursula K. Le Guin is literary waifu number 1 to me, and my favorite book of hers pertains an anarchist commune on a moon along with excellent insight into the benefits and shortcomings of such a society.

    If youve anything u really think i should read, go ahead and shoot. Im admittedly pretty busy these days, but i always try my best. Obviously feel free to pick apart my arguments as well, since ur clearly pushing ur opinions in good faith.

  • Ive a positive view on anarchy since reading Conquest of Bread, though id hesitate to call myself an anarchist as much as a far leftist. I agree with Kropotkin on his views on man, our propensity towards mutual aid, and I also agree that smaller communes would prolly be the way to go. I dont agree, however, with anarchist notions of revolution which seems impossible in an age of drones, mass surveillance, and militarized police. Nevertheless, I feel the anarchists are doing something rare in the world, and actually imagining what utopia would look like; i cant help but believe that, long term, humans must either learn to live together in harmony, or perish.

    I dont agree with anarchist notions on how we get there necessarily, but anarchist methods of direct action do work in practice, as evidenced by history, just not necessarily at getting all of mankind to rise up together so much as improving, or deshittifying, if you will, existing conditions. Which is a point in and of itself, i dont think utopia happens on a less than global level due to nation-states propensity for imperialism when they can get away with it.

    Anyway, i will dive into these rabbit holes over the next week, maybe. Cheers, and thanks if I hadnt said it yet!

  • I knew of the Zaptistas, but reading up on the other two u mentioned. CNT-FAI, im vaguely familiar with the anarchist movement in the Spanish Civil War, but did not know of this acronym for their organizing efforts. Thought this bit taken from their wiki (itself sourced from an archived version of their statutes published in 77) was a fun condemnation of tankie claims on this website that not participating in the current political system is part and parcel for far-left politics (emphasis mine):

    “…the aims of the CNT are to “develop a sense of solidarity among workers”, hoping to improve their conditions under the current social system, prepare them for future emancipation, when the means of production have been socialized, to practice mutual aid amongst CNT collectives, and maintain relationships with other like-minded groups hoping for emancipation of the entire working class.”

    Will be reading more about them, and rojava as well, thanks!