Our News Team @ 11 with host Snot Flickerman

  • 2 Posts
Joined 11 months ago
Cake day: October 24th, 2023


  • The frustrating thing about this, to me, as a man who has listened to women for a long, long time is that this isn’t new

    There are well known problems with birth control and long-term use, increased risks of blood clots, not the least among them.

    This truth is being leveraged by the right wing abusively, but it’s why I knew a lot of leftist women who insisted on men using condoms every time and not subjecting their bodies to be a playground for pharmecutical companies.

    I have personally known women who suffered damage from IUD’s and problems from other forms of implanted birth control. I’ve known women who legitimately had depression because of it. I know women who have mental health issues whom it has been prescribed to as a mood stabilizer.

    These problems have always been there to people who were aware of them. It alters your hormonal cycle, and thus alters a lot about how you feel.

    It’s sad that its being exploted by the right, and it’s further sad that publications many assume are at least liberal like the Washington Post are taking the position that the entire thing is a right-wing psy-op, not that the right-wing is leveraging a real but often-not-discussed reality of modern womanhood.

    Look, people, including young people, are fucking less than ever. More young women identify as LGBT+ than ever. The reality is whether on birth control or not, a lot of these women still don’t want to fuck a lot of the men out there, and for good god damned reasons.

    If you already aren’t fucking, then deciding to not be on birth control really doesn’t change much. So this seems like maybe its being blown out of proportion by the media for clicks. Good for women for taking care of their bodies. They’re not ruining something by not taking birth control as long as they still demand other prophylactic birth control is used. I think people really overestimate how much fucking young people are doing. There’s also a lot of bullshit on the internet and I think fewer people are using bullshit “alternative methods” than assumed.

  • in short, retirees place this sign on their vehicles in order to remember where they parked.

    Literally when everyone starts doing it, it becomes useless. Copycats are so annoying. Whoever started this was a genius, and copycats ruin the ability of others to actually separate their own cars because of the proliferation of these. Evidence is by some people starting to use pool noodles because now their loofah just wasn’t distinctive enough to be able to tell.

    Copycats should be smart enough to use their own unique item to mark their vehicle.

  • Anyone with a brain knew that online ad metrics had been borked by bots for 15 years now. This isn’t new, it’s just the industry is still playing pretend, and as long as you have enough industry leaders playing pretend and not saying the quiet part out loud, nothing will get done.

    Also, it’s a dead-end politically, because both parties love being able to sockpuppet online. Correct the Record and Cambridge Analytica are both examples of this kind of behavior from each party. They won’t make legal rules around sockpuppeting because it benefits them. They won’t go out of their way to make sockpuppets have to say they’re a paid advertisement like news and radio ads do. Because they much prefer it that it “seems like people are saying this” because they send in so many bots with their talking points. They’d prefer to flood the zone will bullshit than let citizens come to their own conclusions about anything.

    So, don’t expect this problem to get better anytime soon. It’s too beneficial of a tool to the political and business classes. They won’t make any rules to stop it or make advertisers admit how many of their “views/clicks” are bots.

  • I love Valve, but let’s not mince words: They invented and created the problem of Loot Boxes, which were the first true iteration of modern gambling mechanics in Valve games. They hired none other than Yanis Varoufakis to help them research and roll out their “digital markets” in 2012.

    To be fair, however, gambling and psychology have been abused in games for decades. I’ve said for over 20 years that Diablo II/World of Warcraft and offshoots like them are glorified Skinner Boxes.

    It’s time for some god damned rational gambling laws in regards to “gaming” and fast. And I don’t mean the idiots who overnight re-rated Balatro as an adult game because they assumed based-on-poker-rules-means-Gambling. Idiots.