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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 30th, 2023


  • I am thinking then we both understood some and misunderstood some.

    My point was, if I want to critic the blog for it’s internally odd Argumentation, then obviously it makes sense to use the blog as a source and it is in fact the only valid source for the critic of internally odd Argumentation.

    My intention wasn’t to use the blog as a source for anything beyond that.

  • Let’s say you are 100% correct, how does that matter in the regards of how you have to understand animal farm as a text?

    I think we would be off-road quite a bit here and I am not interested in that.

    Something that you might want to consider when evaluating people at any given time is their environment, how it impacted them and in case of idealisms, what does it mean for the possible success of it. I am specifically not claiming it is the case, but e.g. Orwell could felt threatened by his environment, both personally and his believes. Stalin and his supporters could meant for him to possible death of the ideals that he hold because from his pov, it was a perversion of his ideals. At the same time, he didn’t want to become a victim of the liberal capitalist. So from his pov, distracting the capitalists by destroying the perversion of his believes, might sounded to him like the best way of action for his ideals and himself, which was worth protecting even in a strictly idealogical perspective, as he had a loud voice for the movement. I don’t claim that this is the case, I am just saying that you could make sense of it without making him a “both sides guy”. This is not an invitation of discussion but of consideration when evaluating people from a different time.

  • Aren’t you misunderstanding my point a little bit? My point isn’t that the e.g. us should ban TikTok or that national security is the most important thing ever. My first Point was that there is a national security incentive to ban TikTok in ways that e.g. Facebook doesn’t have, but like you expressed obviously there are other consideration to be made. My first Point was just that TikTok is not like Facebook from an us national security pov. Then you spoke from a ban for service members, to which I simply pointed out that there is one to some degree, especially important as there is a ban on private devices in some environments. Deployment can be reason for the ban. In other words, your suggestion is already in place to some degree. My 2nd point about Russian propaganda is also strictly about the fact that “national security” doesn’t end at the government employee line and suggesting that is ridiculous.

    As you might have realized, I haven’t expressed any desire to ban TikTok. That is because I am not in favor of a ban. I am just able to argue a perspective unlike mine own and think it is necessary when people treat Facebook and TikTok the same. Do you think china doesn’t care about where their software is coming from? Do you think no one is avoiding e.g. check point firewall due to e.g. gil shwed and his story with unit 8200?

  • Because it isn’t new nor special.

    Apps are a Service and services have been and are regulated for decades now and the system have been always arbitrary as fuck.

    In the case of TikTok, the west, as a military alliance, should be concerned due to the nature of current valid Chinese laws and the implications of it.

    And e.g. facebook has proven that they don’t like to stick to rules about how to handle data. In case of TikTok, this could easily have bigger implications for e.g. the American military.

  • My comment was directed to the blog post and the claims contained in it.

    The blog post claims it is popular in academy, if that is a deserved label, then I don’t understand how the author of the post lands on “there is no good or bad way, they are all valid”. I am in favor of strong juxtaposition but that is not the case that I am making here. Sorry for the confusion.