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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 24th, 2023


  • The upcoming Qualcomm chip certainly looks good… in the synthetic benchmarks we’ve seen so far.

    ARM devices, particularly on windows, often look good in synthetic workloads, but falter in real-world tasks.

    Yeah, right now the benchmarks are competitive… with AMD’s chips from last year. When the Snapdragon X Elite comes out, it’ll be against AMD’s Strix chips (although those are delayed), which will be a sizable performance uplift, and won’t have to do any x86-to-ARM translation.

    Both Intel and AMD will lose some potential market share, sure, but I’m tired of people who don’t know what they’re talking about acting like Qualcomm will be able to crush AMD or Intel just because they use an ARM CPU. It’s not how things work.

  • First you say it’s a Windows clone, then you concede it isn’t. Make your mind up 🤣

    Cinnamon and Plasma are Windows clones. That’s fine if what you want is a Windows clone. I don’t. I want a consistent, good looking DE free of ancient design cruft and free of the shitty Windows workflow.

    Nah, only weird losers who want a Windows clone cry about Gnome. WAAAAHHHHHH THIS ISNT LIKE WINDOWS!!! WHERE’S MY TASKBAR 😭😭😭😭

    Gnome is treated very well. It’s the most commonly found default amongst distros. Because it’s the most trusted.

    Don’t get me started on the absolute bug-fest that Plasma is. Literally unusable. Cinnamon, while a Windows clone, is at least stable. Probably because it’s Gnome-based.

  • What do you mean it’s not that much higher? It’s well over double the resolution. That’s a lot.

    And there’s the other aspects, apple has Micro-OLED panels Vs LCD, virtually zero screen door effect, very very good video passthrough, very low latency on the passthrough. Plus a bunch of other crap.

    But it doesn’t really matter, they’re not comparable. The vision pro, to me, seems more like an engineering exercise on Apple’s part, mixed with a Dev kit to put out in developers hands. It’s not meant to compete against a $500 gaming and porn consumption headset.

    The vision pro is a cool engineering marvel. But it has no real place in the market for any normal person. Nobody outside of devs banking on future Apple VR should buy it.

  • I swear the “fuck cars” crew are completely deluded from reality.

    A lot of them are, and it’s really annoying.

    I want fewer cars on the road too. I want cities without constant traffic and road noise. Not to mention to environmental and health benefits. We need a reduction of cars.

    But some people in the “fuck cars” camp are just in their own little bubble. Privileged people who live where public transport is good, they’re healthy and able-bodied enough to cycle, they don’t work overnight where public transport isn’t accessible.

    They’re completely separate from reality. Some of us live in isolated communities where a train service obviously won’t ever happen for obvious reasons, and buses aren’t a feasible solution either.

    Some of us have mobility requirements and can’t cycle 20 miles to work along a damp, dreary motorway.

    bAn aLL cArS is utterly unrealistic for a slew of practical reasons, never mind the politics of a government coming along and saying “hey plebs, we plan on taking your cars away, sucks to be you, right?”

    The number 1 priority should be pedestrianisation of city centres and addition of bus links, then taking it from there. Calling car drivers evil while chanting ban cars is just stupid.

  • Yup. Even if Google came out with a really cool service tomorrow that I found far better than alternatives, I still wouldn’t use it, because unless I’m very lucky, it’ll be axed at some point. And Google has only themselves to blame.

    I’ll happily shout from the rooftops about my dislike of Apple (their philosophy, faux environmentalism, price-gouging, anti-competitive, anti-repair BS, I could go on for a while), but when was the last time they did this? The fucking Newton? Sure the iPod was axed, but I think it’s fairer to say the market axed MP3 players, rather than Apple axed the iPod.

    If Apple announces something, you can be almost certain it’ll still be around in a decade.

    Look at Apple Maps. It was an absolute joke when it came out and people mocked and memed it relentlessly.

    If Google were in that position, they’d have just scrapped it and moved on to their next project that’d probably be scrapped too.

    Fuck Google’s dumb businesses practices, and fuck them for making me say something to Apple’s credit. Makes me feel dirty.